____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _____ ___ ___ / | | | | || \| | / _\| |_| | /_\ | _ ) |_ _|| __|| \ / | | |_| || || |_ | _ | / _ \ | _ \ | | | _| | || | / /| | \___/ |_|\_| \__/|_| |_|/_/ \_\|_| |_| |_| |___||___/ / /_| |_ ------------------------------------------------------ | | /| ------/_ -_ /)/ _ --- __ __/ |_____ _| -/-|- / / ///_//_ \ \ / // / |__| __/ |_ / / ///_ / _/ / / //_/___ / /___/ ,-----------------------------, | SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH | ,-------------------------------------------------------, |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-TABLE OF CONTENTS-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| |---------------------------------------------------------| | 1 - Introduction.............................[010000] | | 2 - Walkthrough..............................[020000] | | i - Prologue.............................[020100] | | ii - Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure.....[020200] | | iii - Chapter 2: Infernal Place............[020300] | | iv - Chapter 3: The Malaysia Job..........[020400] | | v - Chapter 4: A Normal Life.............[020500] | | vi - Chapter 5: Hector Alcázar............[020600] | | vii - Chapter 6: Once a Thief..............[020700] | | viii - Chapter 7: Lights Out................[020800] | | ix - Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery..[020900] | | x - Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy....[021000] | | xi - Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers........[021100] | | xii - Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight....[021200] | | xiii - Chapter 12: At Sea...................[021300] | | xiv - Chapter 13: Marooned.................[021400] | | xv - Chapter 14: Join Me in Paradise......[021500] | | xvi - Chapter 15: The Thieves of Libertalia[021600] | | xvii - Chapter 16: The Brothers Drake.......[021700] | | xviii - Chapter 17: For Better or Worse......[021800] | | xix - Chapter 18: New Devon................[021900] | | xx - Chapter 19: Avery's Descent..........[022000] | | xxi - Chapter 20: No Escape................[022100] | | xxii - Chapter 21: Brother's Keeper.........[022200] | | xxiii - Chapter 22: A Thief's End............[022300] | | xxiv - Epilogue.............................[022400] | | 3 - Treasures................................[030000] | | 4 - Journal Entries..........................[040000] | | 5 - Journal Notes............................[050000] | | 6 - Optional Conversations...................[060000] | | 7 - Trophies.................................[070000] | | 8 - Contact..................................[080000] | | 9 - Copyright................................[090000] | |_________________________________________________________| | | | Author: dark52 | | Version: 1.0 | | Updated: 10/06/16 | | Website: http://faqs.darkspyro.net/ | | Email: dark52(at)darkspyro(dot)net | |_____________________________________| ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[010000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-INTRODUCTION~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[010000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Welcome to my complete walkthrough to the single-player portion of the PlayStation 4 game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It will guide you through the game picking up every single collectible there is to find along the way. There's going to be a lot of descriptions of parts that are fairly straightforward just so that it is simple to follow along without getting lost, so skip on ahead to where-ever you're stuck or find the point at which you last crossed. This guide does not cover the multiplayer part of the game. ,--------, ,----------, ,--------, | [010100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Controls |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [010100] | '--------' '----------' '--------' o-------------------------------------------------o | BUTTON | ACTION | |--------------|----------------------------------| | X | Jump, Shoulder Swap while aiming | |--------------|----------------------------------| | O | Roll, Take Cover | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Square | Melee | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Triangle | Reload, Interact | |--------------|----------------------------------| | L1 | Rope | |--------------|----------------------------------| | L2 | Aim, Brake | |--------------|----------------------------------| | L3 | Mark Enemy while aiming | |--------------|----------------------------------| | R1 | Grenade | |--------------|----------------------------------| | R2 | Fire, Accelerate | |--------------|----------------------------------| | R3 | Zoom (with scope) | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Dpad Left | Select Pistol | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Dpad Right | Select Rifle | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Dpad Down | Locate Vehicle | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Left Analog | Move | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Right Analog | Move Camera | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Options | Pause | |--------------|----------------------------------| | Touchpad | Journal | o-------------------------------------------------o The charged melee attack seen in multiplayer cannot be used in single player. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[020000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~WALKTHROUGH~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[020000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ,--------, ,----------, ,--------, | [020100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Prologue |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [020100] | '--------' '----------' '--------' * No collectibles [Cinematic] Straight into the action, hold down R2 to keep going towards the shadowy mountain you can just about make out through the stormclouds ahead. For the moment there's not much you have to do, just swipe your boat at the others when they get close. After a while a larger boat will smash into the side and start firing off mines, you'll be hit by one shortly so don't bother trying to avoid them. Once in the water swim upwards by holding down the X button and then as you surface immediately hold down Circle to dive back down. After avoiding the propellers resurface with X and swim over to your own stalled boat. You can't tap X to go faster or anything like that in this game but you will need to press X to climb out onto the boat. Once you're back on the boat go into cover along the edge by press Circle, pull out your pistol by holding L2 to aim and press R2 to fire at the enemies on the other boat. Obviously a head shot is the most efficient way to kill enemies but a few body hits will do the same. If you're getting hit so much that your screen starts to lose colour just stop aiming for a while and let your health regen in cover. After a few boat loads of enemies are dealt with get out of cover and over to the wheel to start driving again, take control of the vehicle by pressing Triangle. Drive forwards again towards the island this time you've gotta avoid the jagged rocks poking out of the water too - get a direct hit on one and boom! Just keep on going. ,--------, ,----------------------------------, ,--------, | [020200] |~-~-~-~-| Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure |~-~-~-~-~| [020200] | '--------' '----------------------------------' '--------' * No collectibles This level is fairly self explanatory, there are no hidden items to find or alternate paths to get lost on but for the sake of completeness I have still written a fairly detailed description on how to follow the game's platforming tutorial level. [Cinematic] Jump out of the window, advance forwards along the roof and over the little wall. Go around the corner and jump over the wall onto another much steeper roof area, you can't go up the slope so climb onto the grey unit and then up a series of squares with ledges on top up to the top. Drop off the other side and go along just past the tip of the sloped roof so that when you jump over the wall again you slide down the opposite side to where you were. Jump the wall at the end, go around the corner and through the open window. Approach the door and press Triangle to interact, run down the hall and take cover by the plant to avoid getting spotted. As they fumble for keys run forwards to take cover at the desk, wait for the nun to go through the doors to the left before following her through. Hide behind the waist-high shelving unit and move to the right end, sneak around the corner by holding Circle and keep a close eye on the nun. She'll turn around after lighting her cigarette which is your opportunity to get to the back of the sofas. Sneak around the corner there and wait at the end near Sister Catherine, again wait for her to turn around and look out the window before making a break for the other one and jumping out. Drop down to a ledge beneath you (you grab things automatically when falling) and shimmy to the left to where you can climb up onto the slightly sloped roof. Run to the other end and jump over the gap to a slightly lower down square roof. In the right corner jump up and grab a ledge on the wall, shimmy to the right all the way to a drainpipe. Jump over to it and start climbing upwards. At the top jump down and approach the light. [Cinematic] Follow Sam over to the doorway, grab his hand by jumping up to him. Keep following him to the left as you jump over a gap, up onto a rectangular section and then back across the gap. Climb up the chimney and shimmy around to the left, on the side of the chimney you need to back jump, a move that is done by holding in the direction you want to jump (the left) and pressing X when Nate has his hand out ready. Jump over the railing and slide down the roof after Sam, jump up the little roof to the left and down the other side to where Sam forgot to prop a door open. Time for an quick introduction to the rope. Watch Sam climb it before he drops it back down for you, jump towards it to grab hold and then hold down L1 while pushing forwards on the analog stick to start climbing upwards. Keep on going to the top and shimmy around the left corner to a gap in the spiked railings along the top so you can climb over. Up the chimney we go, you'll have to reach and jump to get across the side before dropping down to where Sam is waiting. Follow him over a wall and down another slippery roof, climb the units on the right to get through yet another suspicious gap in the railings. Run (well, you can't run so just walk at your usual pace) to the end and Nate will pause, no need to make much of a run up just carry on from where you are and jump across to the clock. Climb up the ledges to where you stand and shimmy around the corner to the left. Grab the ledge above you and shimmy across the gap before dropping down on the other side. You've gotta crouch to get through the green fencing area (for the rest of the game you pretty much always crouch automatically). Jump the small gap afterwards and join Sam across the point of the roof (don't worry, no sixaxis balancing required in this game) to the end where you jump across to a pole which you can swing and immediately jump from. Take the rope from Sam and jump over the gap, as you swing towards the other side Nate will reach out his hand signalling that it is safe to jump from the rope. Jump the gap to the right and then over another gap above a sloped roof onto the side of a tower. You'll have to shimmy around the corner to the right up a set of slats. After climbing up jump off the other end onto the middle of the roof, then up the other end of that. Go around to the left to where Sam will show you to drop and slide down the sloped roof below - don't drop on the wrong side of the slope. Make sure to jump at the very last moment before you fall. Nearly done. Across the little wall and take the rope from Sam, this time you get to throw it! Press L1 when you see the marker appear and then leap forwards to swing across to the fire escape. Go down the ladder to finish the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,---------------------------, ,--------, | [020300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 2: Infernal Place |~-~-~-~-~-~-| [020300] | '--------' '---------------------------' '--------' * 2 Treasures A quick lesson in fist fighting, rather simplified from previous games now all you need to do is press Square to punch and rapidly tap Triangle to get out of holds. There's no countering or anything like that any more. The fight here is straightforward, just punch whenever and escape being held whenever you get held. When he gets you on the ground immediately start punching him rather than trying to escape a hold. [2 Cinematics] After the fight it's time for a slow walk. Follow behind Vargas and you'll eventually reach a grassy area to start doing some platforming again. [Cinematic] Go down the steps in front of you and drop down. Directly ahead of you is a slope to slide down, it's not quite as simple as letting the game slide you as you have to steer to the left so that you can jump and grab a ledge at the bottom. Jump up the ledges to your left to reach an area with a bunch of crates lying around. Treasure 1/109 - Panamanian Cat Pendant The first treasure is found down the well here, jump on in and go along the short passageway to find a glittering item on the ground. Climb back out of the well and go into the small covered area to the left, in a blue box under a table you will find Nate's gear - the rope! Sitting next to the covered area is an orangey crate on wheels, if you grab hold of it by pressing Triangle you can move it around. Push it so that it's at the bottom of the high platform close by so that you can stand on the crate and jump up there. From up here you can activate the rope when you look towards a wooden pole to the right, jump after hooking the rope on and swing on over the gap. After landing drop down the little drop and go up the little stairs, there's another rope swing point ahead of you, use that to reach some ledges on the corner. Flip over to the other side and shimmy to the right, then jump up a couple of handholds before shimmying around the corner to the left so you can reach the top safely. Your next rope swing is at the bottom of the slope, you'll have to jump and press L1 while in the air to hook on and swing over to the little tower. Shimmy around the corner and up, ignore the doorway and instead continue upwards along the right side to the very roof. Walk along the beam sticking out to jump over to the main tower, shimmy along the ledges on the wall here up and to the left so you can go through an open window. Treasure 2/109 - Navaja Folding Knife Once through the open window in the tower go down the broken steps to your right, you'll find the treasure next to a pillar. There's also a note down here that you can look at, those searching for all collectibles can safely ignore this one as Nate doesn't keep it. Climb up the pillar that the treasure was next to and turn to your right, you should see the icon to use your rope. Attach to the wooden shutter and instead of jumping to swing just pull on the rope with L1. Once the blockage has been removed leap over and out the window. Out the window shimmy right around the corner then upwards to another open window. Inside the cell you've got a puzzle to solve, first look at a sun and moon symbol near the door so you can get started. Look at your note and fold it to get the Sagittarius and Scorpio symbols. If you look at the pictures on the wall you can see that Sagittarius has an X next to it and Scorpio has II. Put them together and you get XII, if you locate the stone marked XII on the wall opposite the door you can interact with it and find what you're looking for. [Cinematic] One of them rapid tapping door openings to leave now, drop out and then hook yourself onto the beam above. To safely drop you've got to rapel down the rope before dropping onto the slope, jump at the end of the jump to grab onto the grate. At the top walk along the beams so that you're at the far end of the room, from there jump towards the corner, slide down and jump to grab some handholds on the wall. Climb up and tap a door open to get outside again. From the end of the wooden platform jump to the beams, walk to the left and then down a slope sliding to the left so that you can jump and rope across a gap to some ledges below a small arched building. Climb directly up the left side of it through the opening and jump left off the wooden platform to some brick handholds. Drop through the corrugated roof. [2 Cinematics] o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Laundry Fight | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now we get to put those melee skills you learned into practice. Rather | | than attacking just any old enemy you should try to attack the ones that | | Sam or Rafe are attacking. Doing this will not only make this section | | easier but it will also help you get the Trophy "Wingman". They'll keep | | getting up so to get moving with the game attack Gustavo (the main one in | | the vest, he'll appear after you take out a few others) near the middle, | | you'll have to escape a hold from the opening of one of the machines to | | finish the encounter. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [2 Cinematics] Immediately run forwards following Sam and Rafe through the corridors, ignore any other paths you might see as you'll just get caught if you try. After running down a short flight of stairs you reach a dead end, go to Sam on the right and jimmy the bars off the window (great prison) before jumping out and running across the roofs. Jump to the yellow scaffolding at the end and drop to the floor. Follow Sam to the left around several corners and straight into gunfire. Ignore it and keep running forwards taking the left that Sam takes. Climb the yellow grate, still just ignoring gunfire from behind, and over the other side. Here you'll want to ignore Sam and instead go to the right jumping up to the railing (if you follow Sam Rafe will show you this route). Round the corner there's a ladder on the wall, boost Sam up to have him lower it down to you. Climb up the ladder and jump up onto a slippery roof, you can make it though so keep going up and over the railing. Follow them to the right and jump the gap onto an awning. A quick fist fight ensues for some reason, use the same tactic as in the laundry room if you're still a little short on the Trophy. After the fight follow Sam to the far end of the area where there's a wooden crate on a trolley, push it out of the way so you can get into the ducts behind it. Not safe yet, run down the passageway and over the end (it's not cover, keep going!). On the right at the back is a ladder, wait for Rafe to drop it so you can climb out. Jump across the towers and rooftops to one final jump where a pipe breaks as you grab on, after getting up press Triangle. [Cinematic] Turn around, leap over the railing and run forwards into the jungle and down a slope to end the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-----------------------------, ,--------, | [020400] |~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 3: The Malaysia Job |~-~-~-~-~-~| [020400] | '--------' '-----------------------------' '--------' * 4 Treasures * 2 Conversations Swim directly forwards along the right side of a large rock. Treasure 3/109 - Antique Padlock Just past a small dead tree is a large log on the right lying across two rocks, the treasure is directly underneath it. Continue swimming in the same general direction, you'll cross over a sort of rocky barrier and see some caves on your left. Treasure 4/109 - Chiriqui Shark Trinket Swim into the caves and you'll find it on the floor where the first two entrances meet up. Carry on through the caves out into a larger open area where you start to see pieces of the wreckage you're looking for. Treasure 5/109 - Antique Pocketwatch If you swim to the righthand side of this area and follow the rock wall around you should see this glinting in the distance. Once you've got the treasure swim to the middle of the area where there's a wrecked trailer. Go to the end of it and open the doors to get inside, once in swim to the other end and interact with the crates. On your way back out you can see the first of the two crates under a hole in the side of the trailer, you need to attempt to get it but it won't work as it is stuck underneath the trailer. In the meantime swim out and head to the right, if you follow the scratch marks you'll quickly find the second crate. Pick it up and tap X to carry it back into the trailer and put it back in with the other crates. Swim out and wait for the sling to lower into position, grab one of the hooks and swim it around one of the axles of the trailer, loop back and attach the end to the wire. Repeat with the other wire and axle before moving back a little to let it pick up the trailer. Swim underneath and grab that second crate and put it into the netting. Swim back out and get onto the rig to ride it back to the surface. Conversation 1/36 If you wait next to the trailer for a moment one of the salvage workers will have a Triangle pop up over his head along with a speech bubble, interact with him to play this optional conversation. Treasure 6/109 - Antique Arcade Token On the raised platform in the middle of the boat, just on the shelf to the side as you go up the steps. Conversation 2/36 A salvage worker on the same raised platform wants to talk. At the far end is another conversation but this time non-optional. Follow Jameson back to the trailer to crack open the crate to see what you got. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,--------------------------, ,--------, | [020500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 4: A Normal Life |~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [020500] | '--------' '--------------------------' '--------' * No collectibles Put the file away and make your way down to the other end of the attic. There's plenty of stuff to interact with along the way but the only item you need to look at is a toy gun in the holster hanging on the screen at the far end. To get the Trophy "Still Got It!" all you've got to do is hit all four of the targets in the room. One above, one further ahead on the right, third above to the left, and the fourth at the end high up. That'll trigger Elena to call you downstairs (don't actually have to shoot the targets, you can just wait). Climb down the attic ladder and head downstairs. Again there's a load of stuff to look at around the place but the way to continue is to go to the kitchen and grab the food for Elena, it's on the counter next to the stove. There is a dialogue option within the following cinematics, it doesn't really matter which option you choose in things like this so just choose whichever option you want. [2 Cinematics] A quick throwback to Naughty Dog's past. This is not the spot to get the Trophy so just play through without paying too much attention to collecting the fruit or keeping your lives. Getting to the end or running out of lives will conclude the section. [2 Cinematics] ,--------, ,---------------------------, ,--------, | [020600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 5: Hector Alcázar |~-~-~-~-~-~-| [020600] | '--------' '---------------------------' '--------' * No collectibles [Cinematic] Follow Alcázar out of the cell and down the corridor, once you get down the stairs and to the closed door take the gun from him and then follow through the doors when they open. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Cell Blocks | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Go around the corner, ignore the enemies as the others will take care of | | them right now. In the next room roll into cover behind the table and | | maybe start helping shoot the guards up on the bridge. Again the others | | will take them out if you let them. Keep following Alcázar around the | | corners ducking behind the tables as you get close to them and | | occasionally shoot guards. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Leaving the cells duck behind the desk that Alcázar is standing next to as the wall on the right is about to explode. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Laundry Shoot-out | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now is the first part where you kinda have to do some shooting, follow | | them through the pipe area but as soon as the enemies appear in front | | duck back and go to the corner to shoot the guards from safety. After | | they're dead jump the pipe and go left, there's a quick hold escape after | | jumping the crates. | | | | Head up the stairs shooting a few guards as you go but again these'll be | | mostly taken out for you. In the next room immediately take cover and | | start shooting the guards in the laundry room below. Once they stop | | appearing you will need to jump down to join the others, go over to | | Alcázar in the corner. More guards will start to appear from back up | | where you were and the other higher up platform to the left of it. Once | | they've stopped make sure to not be in the corner where Alcázar was | | waiting as the door there is about to explode. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Turret Yard | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Run outside and jump the fence, there's some not so solid cover to take | | so don't stay too long, wait for the main gun to pause before running for | | new cover further up. Just sit tight moving slowly forwards between cover | | and the turret will get destroyed. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Again follow Alcázar through the doorway up some stairs and through a new window. Go around the corner but don't bother shooting the guards, that'll be taken care of. Jump the railing and scale the yellow grate on your left to freedom. [2 Cinematics] ,--------, ,----------------------------, ,--------, | [020700] |~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 6: Once a Thief... |~-~-~-~-~-~-| [020700] | '--------' '----------------------------' '--------' * 9 Treasures * 3 Conversations [Cinematic] Follow Sam up the grassy path heading to the left. Treasure 7/109 - Mughal Water Container At the cliff edge end of the grassy area go to the lefthand side of the edge, the treasure is just sitting on the floor there. Sam will be waiting looking at the bridge, take an L3 look at it before hooking your rope onto the bottom of the bridge. Swing over to the ledges on the left side and shimmy around the corner heading downwards. L3 at another rope point and climb back over Sam to let him go first, to reach the rope he's left behind you gotta drop down onto some ledges beneath you and make your way to it. Once you've jumped onto the rope walk along the wall to the left and jump off onto another ledge. You should be able to reach it on the first swing but if not just run back and forth to get enough momentum. Jump from the tree branch pole to where Sam is waiting before climbing up into a lemon garden. Treasure 8/109 - Nephrite Brass Cup Follow the edge of the building until you reach a lemon tree in the corner, on the window ledge there is the treasure. Conversation 3/36 Sam will have this conversation waiting for you in the middle of the lemon garden. After that chat go to the small building with a couple of lawnmowers outside, go down the stairs inside and hook your rope to a beam before jumping out of the window. You've got to rappel down the rope as far as you can before running along the wall to jump onto the arch to your left. Conversation 4/36 After Sam joins you on the archway area follow him to the far end. You can climb up on the last arch you can go through, get up onto the rock platform at its base and climb up ledges on the other side. From the top you need to jump to a pole sticking out of the wall to swing across to the top of the arch in the wall. There's a thin ledge at the left side you can do that sidestepping shimmy along so you can reach some handholds to go up to some monkey bars. Swing off the last of the monkey bars and wait for Sam to join you. He'll climb up onto the higher platform and throw his rope up to the roof. Once he's climbed it jump at the rope to grab hold so you too can climb up. [Cinematic] Treasure 9/109 - Viking Cloak Clasp Duck back into the room Sully was sitting in and you'll find the treasure on a desk just around the corner. Squeeze through the first few people before going out onto the balcony to your right. Treasure 10/109 - Mother of Pearl Horn To the right of where you come out onto the balcony, on the ivy covered wall. Conversation 5/36 Sam is also standing out on the balcony to talk to if you approach him. Go back in and follow Sully down the stairs and into the auction room. Keep following through to the cellar door in the opposite corner. [Cinematic] Some pickpocketing now, follow Sam over to the guy in the yellow waistcoat and look at his back pocket by holding down L2, he'll wander off before you get a chance to fill the meter that appears. Follow him until he stops at an ice sculpture to try again, this time you can actually do it but your opportunity is quite limited so don't worry if you fail. You'll get another slightly longer chance which you do have a better shot at completing before Sam decides to help you by distracting him. Once you have the keycard go back to where Sully is waiting to head downstairs. [Cinematic] Treasure 11/109 - Persian Bronze Bowl Take an immediate left and walk straight down the passage past the circular folded tables and into the corner, the treasure is hidden on the back corner of the crates just to the right next to the set of three steps. Go down those three steps and take a left to rejoin Sam. Follow him down the stairs (you can look in the window if you want but it just wastes time). Treasure 12/109 - Brass Barber's Bowl At the bottom of the stairs next to some barrels piled up underneath the last few steps. In the next room go to the far end where you should find a enormous barrel you can push out of the way, just push it enough to get through though as it'll block the next bit of the path if you push it all the way. In the dark room take the second right then the first right to another large cask, instead of pushing it pull it towards you as far as you can. Take the next right and then again to the right to go past where the barrel was blocking, there's another one at the end to pull out of the way again. Double back and take the righthand path which now has a little wall open to jump over now that the cask is out of the way. To reach the vent pull the last cask underneath it. Crouch through the vents as far as you can and try to open the grate, once it won't budge double back to where Sam is trying to open another. In there turn around and jump up to the next vent. Follow Sam out. Treasure 13/109 - Syrian Vase From the vent walk forwards and jump over the railings on the left down to an area below. Around the corner you can find a ladder to climb, from the balcony climb the drainpipe, across some windows and then around the corner on another pipe. Drop down onto the roof below where you'll find the treasure. Jump down to where you exited the vent and approach Sam in the locked gateway. Turn around and help boost Sam up the nearby folded ladder. Climb the ladder but do not follow Sam in jumping off! Treasure 14/109 - Persian Candlestick Instead go to the left and climb up the plus shaped windows things onto a small roof. Go to the right edge and look down a little, you'll see a covered balcony, jump to that and you'll find the treasure on one of the pillars. Jump off the balcony down to where Sam is waiting by a door, try the boost again but this time you're the one getting boosted. [Cinematic] Walk down the steps and cross the area to some trellis which you can climb up. Climb some more up the side of the archway here to the roof. Turn to your right and jump along a couple of square roofs. Climb up the barred window and then up the plus shaded windows above to the left. From the roof jump to the poles sticking out of the wall and swing across the gap. [Cinematic] Jump to the first bar in front of you and make sure you're on the left end of it before jumping forwards. Treasure 15/109 - Mughal Dagger Roll off the edge to the left so that you're clinging onto it, shimmy to the right and go up a couple of handholds where you'll find the treasure. Get back up and climb up the side of the archway to a long pole above. Swing from that to a short one and then again to a long one. Turn around to face the other direction before climbing the corner and going up a pipe. Make your way across the panels up to either of the open windows at the top. Once inside the power room go through some cables, take the right then a left and then jump down when you stand up. Go around and try to get into the circuit breaker area. [Cinematic] Search through a bunch of drawers and lockers and you'll eventually find a crowbar (fifth place you look), go back to the door and smash it open before flipping the switch. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-----------------------, ,--------, | [020800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 7: Lights Out |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [020800] | '--------' '-----------------------' '--------' * No collectibles Up the stairs ahead of you and jump over the bannister at the top onto a bit of roof. Leap across to the small tower and get into cover inside. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Evasion | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Here you've got to watch out for the enemies and their flashlights, wait | | for an opportunity and quickly dash to the cover provided by the roof, | | drop left and start climbing the second tower thing. Just inside the | | doorway is an enemy to stealth kill. | | | | Wait for the guy up high to look away before you jump from the opposite | | doorway onto the roof below. Climb onto the tower to the left and shimmy | | around to a pole swing, jump over the gap and through the opening. Go | | further through and exit onto the roof via the openings at the other end. | | Make your way over to the next covered area across the roof and head left | | to a tall grass area. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o If you're in tall grass and still not detected you will automatically crouch and stay hidden, you can even perform stealth kills if an enemy walks close by. Wait for one of the two guards here to get close before taking him out while the other looks in a different direction. Quickly take out that second guard when he comes looking for his friend. Go up the steps at the back and jump onto a little square of grass and then a tiny roof before climbing further upwards to the roof above. You'll see the ballroom from here. Climb up again and in through the open window. Try the door. [Cinematic] Time for another fist fight. Just punch when you can and escape the holds. You can't really alter the outcome of the fight. Swing from bar to bar then to the right when you grab the windows. At the end of the roof jump the gap onto a rooftop area. From there stand on the pink flowers to jump across to a covered area where you can see the round sign thing mentioned by Sam. Stand on the desk here and jump to a pole before swinging to a ledge ahead of you. Shimmy onto the round sign. After catching the gun shoot one of the two guards directly in the head then let Sam take out the other. Move to the other side of the sign and shimmy up some ledges going to the left to a pole. Swing off it and drop to a platform below. Take cover behind the planter where the two dead guards are so that the live ones don't immediately spot you. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Balcony Fight | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | It's up to you how you want to handle this, you can either go stealthy | | and sneak around carefully taking out each enemy or you can just pop up | | and start shooting them straight away. Either way you've got to get | | across the balconies so get onto the planter when safe to and jump across | | to the first balcony area. Your next target is the area with the tall | | grass, jump out onto the roof of the building you're on and then over a | | gap to a roof connected to it. If you're going sneaky be careful of the | | two guards that are walking on the stairs at the end of the grass. | | | | Go down the steps past the grass and go through an open window. If | | sneaking take cover by the exit and wait for a guard to approach to | | stealth him as he passes. Jump over the bannister on the right side of | | the path to the next tower and shimmy around it until you reach some | | roof. From there jump down to another roof area with some grass on it. | | | | Next to the grass is a moveable crate, roll it towards the sculpture in | | the middle and some guards will appear - quickly hide in the grass. Take | | out the guards wandering the grass while watching out for the guy up | | above and go back up the steps you came down a moment ago to go through | | the door that they opened up when they appeared. Up the stairs inside | | here make your way down the corridor carefully if you've left the guy on | | the roof alive, go out the window at the far end and jump onto the | | zipline down to meet up with Sam. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ballroom | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | I'd recommend taking cover behind the pillars on the left so that you've | | not got anyone coming up behind you. After clearing the group of | | "friends" you've gotta follow Sam out the door and start making your way | | through several statues. Take cover to the left of Sam and while killing | | the odd enemy that rounds the corner try to take out the snipers above | | before advancing a bit further down to trigger Sully's arrival. You can | | either hang around clearing the way or can just run for the limo and | | press Triangle. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-------------------------------------, ,--------, | [020900] |~-~-~-~| Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery |~-~-~-~| [020900] | '--------' '-------------------------------------' '--------' * 11 Treasures * 2 Journal Entries * 1 Journal Note * 2 Conversations [Cinematic] Treasure 16/109 - Redware and Silver Jug Flask Turn to your left and follow the treeline past a large rock, it's on the floor behind it. Treasure 17/109 - Bronze Boar Turn around and head back towards the edge of the cliff you start next to, at the lower end you'll find a cave with this treasure inside. Climb up the ledge next to the cave and follow the trees to the first gap looking down the mountain, jump onto the slope aiming to the right so you can jump to grab the edge of the land there. Down a couple of steps to a point where you can hook up your rope and rappel down to some boxes below. Stay in cover and take out the three enemies that have started shooting at you, Sam should help out a bit. Follow the path along to a small ruins area, you'll spot some more Shoreline stuff. Treasure 18/109 - Carved Wood Kashkul At the far end of the living quarters is a large blue tarp covered box along the cliff edge, just to the right of that is the treasure. Near the large wooden doorway at the other side of the living quarters is a small light brown wooden box on some green tarp, if you approach it you can pick up some throwable dynamite. Hold down R1 to see where you're throwing it, you can move the target around with the right analog stick and if you don't want to throw it after all you can cancel the throw with Triangle. The thing you want to throw it at is the wooden door to blow it up. Refill your dynamite ammo and go left. In the ruins up a couple of walls you'll find another wooden door with a moveable crate nearby, you've got to blow that door up to move the crate. As you push it off the end some Shoreline will arrive so get into cover to begin the combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ruins | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This is one of those times you can do it all stealth or just do whatever, | | just be aware that going into all out combat will summon extra enemies to | | take out. Though if you're attempting stealth and the last ones are taken | | out with dynamite without them noticing, you'll be fine and not summon | | the extras. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o After clearing the area grab some more dynamite for the road and go back to where you left the rolling crate, push it all the way through the first wooden door you blew up. Position it in the corner to climb up the opening. Treasure 19/109 - Carved Nut Bottle Along the cliff wall you'll see a waist high overhang with crates stuff inside, if you throw some dynamite in there you can blow the crates up and roll in to get the treasure behind them. Outside the cave again on your left is a rope point, hook on and swing to some ledges on the cliffside dead ahead. Get as high as you can and then hook onto a second rope point above you, use that to swing to the left. On there you've got to hook onto a third point that's above the first, this'll get you up onto the ledges that are even higher up the same cliffside. You'll have to wait for Sam to boost him up the end point and then go back to the left a little to reach him. After sighting the monks' dorm you've got to slide down the slope and then down a second one this time jumping at the bottom to catch on some handholds. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Bridge | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Continue along the ledges going to the bottom left corner to dangle off | | the end waiting for the enemy to get right underneath you, you can then | | press Circle to drop down on his head stealth killing him from above. | | Approach the other two from behind, stealth take out the right one and | | Sam will take out the left. | | | | Another combat area now, there are a whole bunch of enemies up on the | | main portion of the ruined bridge, one on top on the right end, one on | | the ground behind it, one patrolling the path along the right side, and | | one further around on the ground closer to the bridge - he tends to lean | | on a wall a lot. Again your choice to stealth or attack, attacking will | | draw in a few more enemies like before. On harder difficulties there will | | be a turret at the end of the bridge, you can just about get a headshot | | through the tiny gap in the middle if you can get a good shot off. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o The path onwards is through the end of the upper portion of the bridge, you want to grab onto the thin white line sloping upwards on the cliff. Shimmy all the way around the corner and drop off to a platform. Behind you is a rope point, once on it swing to the left to grab a ledge then up some handholds to the top. Another L3 at the dorms. Turn right and jump down the slope straight into some grass and a quick bit of combat. If you're careful you can stealth kill the three of them but even with full combat it'll just be the three enemies. Once you've killed them go to where the higher up one was walking above and jump to the top of a pillar on the slope you just passed by. From there you've got to slide down the slope while moving to the right so you can jump and grab the left of the remaining pillars sticking up out of the slope. Jump to the other and then up the bricks on the arch. Position yourself as far up the slope as you can so you jump down it angling yourself so that you pretty much go straight across to the ledges to the left of where you jumped onto the pillars. The next slope you'll also want to go as straight across as possible, you should be able to slide directly to safety without having to jump at the end. Jump over a gap ahead and then up the pillar, jump to the right onto a platform with one of those multi-rounded columns. Treasure 20/109 - Traveling Inkwell with Seal Roll into a little room beneath this platform to find the treasure. Climb back up and join Sam looking at the slope above where you just came from. Now you've gotta slide to jump onto another arch, climb to the top of that and turn right. From there jump onto the slope again angling towards a pillar and then jump directly onto the top of an arch. Go through the archway ahead and up the ledge, on your left is a gap through which you should see some poles attached to the wall. Swing along them to work your way on top of the archway. From the top jump onto the slope going left and at the bottom rope swing across to a large doorway. Don't try to open it yet! Treasure 21/109 - Carved Ivory Vanitas Climb the ledges on the left of the door, the treasure is up top next to a statue. Once you've got the treasure open the door up with Sam's help. Inspect the first grave you can on the right of the path to get the search underway. Journal Entry 1/25 - Dug up graves Directly opposite the first gravestone, jump over the wall and look into the open grave. There's one specific headstone that you're looking for. Walk to the far edge of the graveyard, you'll find it on the right side of the section that curves out towards the sea. Head down the steps that appear. Journal Note 1/23 - A Miracle At the bottom of the steps round the corner and go straight ahead to a pile of bones in the corner where you can pick up a note. Head further in. Treasure 22/109 - Scottish Ha'penny When you reach the room with fog on the ground go through the doorway to your left, you'll find the treasure at the base of a statue in there. Back out of the room and into the larger one with the three crosses, approach them and make a journal entry by looking at the middle one. Conversation 6/36 After making the mandatory journal entry at the crosses Sam will want to talk. Go around the back of the crosses and investigate the sconce on the wall. With it lit head back around to the front of the crosses to start solving the puzzle. The left cross's lights line up with the top right dot and the middle bottom dot. The middle cross lines up with the top dot and the bottom left dot. The right cross lines up with top left and bottom right. Conversation 7/36 Once the puzzle is solved go around and talk to Sam. Journal Entry 2/25 - Libra You'll get this at the same time as the previous conversation. Now open the door. Once that's done head back up through the crypt to the surface. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Dormitories | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | There's a Trophy here for opening the door without killing anyone, that | | involves a load of shimmying along edges, waiting for people to move out | | of the way and finish conversations. I'd also recommend only trying it on | | a low difficulty setting to reduce the detection rate. | | | | Otherwise you can sneak around taking out all the enemies again, or take | | cover in the graveyard and start shooting. The exit is up at the door you | | look at when climbing out of the crypt, you've gotta have Sam help you | | get it open so if you're going without kills make sure nobody is going to | | be looking for a while when you sneak up there. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Drop off the bottom of the steps and go to the left down a slope. Cross the plank and then slide down the other side. Climb up to where you can look at the three crosses in the distance. Drop down and chat with Sully for a moment as you walk to the far end of the rocky platforms. Rope swing around the corner and down into the tall grass as you spot a patrol. Treasure 23/109 - Slipjoint Clasp Knife Sneak to the left into the cave, partway along the right wall is a crouchable gap to go in. Inside here you can find a Flintlock (a powerful but low ammo capacity antique gun) and the treasure on the floor at the back. As you leave be careful as one of the three guards will probably have jumped down to where you came in. If you take him out silently the second will be directly above the cave, and the third higher up. You can sneakily take out the second one but for the third either just shoot him in the head or wait for him to come down. Even if you mess it up he's the last one for the area. Boost Sam up a ladder where that third one was patrolling. Treasure 24/109 - Pewter Singing Bird Box While waiting for Sam to do his thing jump over the nearby gap and head into the cave on the other side, the treasure is on a barrel in there. Look up at Sam by a wooden structure above, he'll move a pole into position so you can hook onto it and climb up the rope. Go around the other side of it and reattach so you can jump off the other side, there's some ledges on the cliffs to the right to jump to. As you reach the end drop down onto a wooden pole directly beneath you then swing forwards so you go down the slope below. You've gotta curve around the corner and immediately rope swing across to some more ledges. Head up to the top left corner of these ledges where you'll get a rope swing prompt, climb up the rope before swinging across the wooden junk blocking the way. Sliding down the slope on the other side keep to the left and make a leap across at the end. Shimmy to the right after falling a little and perform a back jump in the corner. Try to get on the ladder above the ledges on this cliff and Sam will destroy a bridge creating a nice point for you to hook onto with your rope. Swing over to some wooden poles and climb up to rejoin Sam, you'll have to wait for him to help you up the last jump. Treasure 25/109 - Tortoise Shell Snuff Box Climb back down the way that Sam came up, you'll find the treasure in the rocks next to the broken bridge. Climb back up to Sam again. Cut back inland by going to the left and jump onto some ledges, move to the bottom right then drop down into the grass below to enter the next combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Cliffside | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Entirely possible to stealth your way through, plenty of opportunity to | | sneak around the side platforms pulling people off. Just be wary of the | | sniper at the back. If you go guns blazing utilise the red barrels for | | getting enemies from afar. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o After they're all dead you'll find the exit in a cave down to the right from where the sniper was situated. Move a beam out of the way with Sam and exit the crouch cave. Jump down onto the slope below and off the end to the ledges along the cliff at the bottom. Swing across one of the two very obvious rope swing points and make your way out onto some beams. Drop off the side of the end of the first making sure you're actually above the beam below you. Jump to the next one and then over to solid land. Treasure 26/109 - Persian Tailoring Scissors Underneath the second set of stairs here near the end. Go up the steps and climb a short distance, chat with Sully as you head into the cave through the passage and around the corner. Squeeze through a thin gap, go down the steps and interact with the switch next to the door. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-----------------------------------, ,--------, | [021000] |~-~-~-~-| Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy |~-~-~-~-| [021000] | '--------' '-----------------------------------' '--------' * 6 Treasures * 2 Journal Entries * 1 Journal Note * 1 Conversation Journal Entry 3/25 - For those who prove worthy Look at the cage on the right side at the very start. Go down either path around the back of the statues. Treasure 27/109 - Lantern Mounted Flintlock To the left of the start of the bridge is a short drop down to a cave with a skeleton and this treasure inside. Jump across the small gap in the bridge and climb up to the right at the end, you'll curve around to a rocky slope you can slide down. Climb up and to the left on the ledges you leap to from the slope, from the platform climb up some more ledges on the side. Walk up the steps through the arches and into a puzzle room. To start the puzzle you first need to reset it, do that by interacting with the switch next to the exit on the left side. First take the bucket from the puzzle and scoop up some water from the pool off the ledge on the left side of the room, you've gotta hand it up to Sam to get it back up. The idea now is to get the three crosses in the lights (white cross in the left, big cross in the middle, black cross on the right) and the bucket at the top. There's a Trophy "Trials and Tribulations" that requires you to solve this puzzle in 10 or less moves, as it's always in the same position the being with that's very straight-forward to do. If we number the wheels from left to right turn the second wheel to the left once to get the white cross in the middle of the puzzle. Next turn the third wheel to the left twice to get the bucket in the middle of the puzzle. Go back to the second wheel and turn that to the right twice to get the bucket at the top and the black cross in the middle. Finally turn the third wheel to the right once to solve the puzzle. Solved in six. Nate will declare it done so go over to the switch again and try it out (note that if you get it wrong you do get given a few opportunities to pull the switch before it'll actually kill you). Journal Entry 4/25 - What that thing felt like After pulling the switch to get out of the bucket room look at the switch again. Conversation 8/36 Leave the bucket room and walk to the top of the left path, a dead end but Sam will follow you up and you'll be able to talk to him. Take the path to the right now. Treasure 28/109 - Strange Pendant Don't go very far though, the large area directly ahead of you as you walk down the first little set of stairs has a rope swing quite low down in it, if you jump off the edge towards it and hook onto it you can swing over to the right to find this treasure, the first "Strange Relic" of the game. To get back up reattach yourself to the same rope swing and grab onto some ledges beneath where you first jumped from. Continue along the path going right, jump over a gap and then use the rope swing on your left to get to the area below. Treasure 29/109 - Amatory Box If you roll of the side opposite where you can see the pushable crate above you you can climb down some ledges to this treasure which is on the lowest ledge. Climb back up and go stand on the platform beneath that pusable crate, you've gotta help boost Sam up so he can push it off for you (don't be concerned with the treasure you might have spotted by the broken bridge, you'll reach that a bit later). Grab the crate and roll it to the wall on the left side so you can reach the ledges on it. At the parts where you stand you jump straight up. Once you're in the crouch hole follow Sam through (don't get distracted by the rats) into the catacombs. Climb through the opening and then jump across the gap to the wall on the left where you'll stand up and have to wait for Sam. [Cinematic] Reach out to the right and shimmy around the corner, drop down once there. Treasure 30/109 - Pewter Box In the opposite corner is a small room with a fallen over statue, crouch underneath it to reach the treasure at the back. At the rope swing don't immediately jump across, instead rappel down and swing underneath the wall on the left side, the rope will go through the gap in the bricks so you can reach the ledges. From that platform jump and climb up to where there's a crate you can push down to Sam. You've gotta move it into position yourself unfortunately, jump up to find near the top of the broken bridge you saw a little earlier. Treasure 31/109 - Memento Mori Skull Watch Take the right path and roll off the edge by the top of the broken bridge, climb down a few handholds to reach this treasure in a gap in the wall below. Climb up and go through the archway ahead, you'll spot a rollable crate on the right side of a large gap. To get over there you need to use your rope to hook onto it and then climb up your rope. Treasure 32/109 - Scottish Tipstaff Before doing anything with the crate jump over the barrels and junk behind it to find the last treasure of the chapter. Push the crate down to the lower section and then all the way to the end. Once it's in position hook your rope onto it again and jump off the side, run along the wall to get enough speed to jump left if you don't make it on the first swing. Follow the path along turning left at the blockage and up through a crouch tunnel into what used to be a puzzle room. Jump down onto the platform below on the left side. Journal Note 2/23 - April 1701 Next to a body where you drop down. Walk across a wooden beam, up the end and then across a gap to where you can get onto a large wooden seesaw. Go just past the mid-point and Sam will call you back to let him on, once he is on go to the end again and grab the ledges to the right. Shimmy right and then rope swing over to some cogs sticking out of the wall, jump up them and the ledges between up to the top. Up here is a heavy chest you've got to push down onto the end of the seesaw. Jump down and run across. Follow the steps ahead and open the final switch. [Cinematic] o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Collapse | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ignore the gunfire and attempt to follow Sam to the right and jump over | | the gap that forms, you'll fall down onto a slope. Jump at the bottom to | | grab onto a pillar to climb, keep going up and around. At the top of the | | second pillar jump directly onto the nearby enemy to take him out | | immediately, once you've got his gun roll into cover next to Sam. Don't | | shoot anyone yet, the place is still collapsing. Once it collapses on the | | two guys shooting turn to your right and climb up onto the sideways | | pillar next to you. From there rope swing directly across to some ledges | | and climb up to the bad guys. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Tunnels | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The first guy will run towards you so pull him off (you'll probably have | | to struggle for a moment to succeed) before you start shooting the others | | in cover up here. Once the four or five of them are dead follow Sam | | around the corner to another fight area. There's a handy red barrel at | | the back to shoot if you want some explosions. Advance forwards as you | | kill them but be careful of the gap ahead on the right as there's more | | enemies waiting around there. | | | | Once Sully calls head outside and make your way over a platform down into | | another area suspiciously filled with crates. Immediately run over to the | | left of the columns to avoid taking fire from the turret in the middle. | | First kill the shotgun wielder who tries to run towards you and then | | concentrate on trying to shoot through the tiny hole in the turret to | | headshot the guy behind it. Finish off the other guys as they try to run | | up and take over the turret then take control yourself to wipe up the | | rest around the corner. | | | | Follow Sam along going to the right, rope swing to the right and try to | | land on an enemy. Take out the sniper over here and grab his gun for | | shooting the enemies up high across the way from behind the solid crates. | | This gun is a one shot kill so no need to go for a headshot, a hit to the | | leg will kill them anyway. Once it seems clear rope swing across using | | the crane's hook, a few more enemies will appear up next to the crane so | | immediately turn to shoot them. Climb up and take cover so you can shoot | | more further back. After shooting the last one at the back jump down the | | gap to the right of him. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Escape | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Run around the corner and shoot the guy ahead of you before jumping down | | a slope jumping off the end. Take cover behind a crate and start shooting | | again, just a few enemies here until Sam complains about the weather. | | Once he does that jump up the ledge at the back and jump down a slope to | | the left (you can grab a Pistole here you shoot at some enemies on the | | way down if you like). No need to hang around on the next platform | | getting shot at, you can just jump down the slope ahead to swing around | | the corner straight onto another slope. | | | | Jump the gap and take cover behind the arch, there's an enemy right away | | you need to kill and a few more in cover ahead but not many. Again Sully | | will call to signal the end of the enemies, go down yet another slope at | | the back and climb up the ledges at the bottom. Again no need to wait | | around on this one getting shot at, you can just go around the corner and | | jump straight onto the next slope with one final rope swing into the sea | | and a quick swim to the plane to finish the chapter off (you can dangle | | on the rope and shoot the enemies before jumping into the sea if you | | like). | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-------------------------------, ,--------, | [021100] |~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers |~-~-~-~-~-| [021100] | '--------' '-------------------------------' '--------' * 15 Treasures * 4 Journal Entries * 2 Journal Notes * 2 Conversations [Cinematic] Driving uses the R2 button to accelerate, L2 to reverse and not much more than that. Right in front of you where you start you should see a small rock pile where the path forks a little, this is a cairn and if you knock over all 16 of them in the chapter you can earn the Trophy "Not a Cairn in the World", you can track the number of them that you've knocked over at the bottom of your statistics menu but not which ones. Hit [Cairn 1/16] with your car to get started. Drive straight forwards to a large curve in the path headed to the right, follow it around and up to some ruins just before you reach a large puddle. You can get out of the car by pressing Triangle when you're stopped. Treasure 33/109 - Sawasa Ware Tobacco Box Jump up the steps and then climb up the tallest part of the ruined building, the treasure is on the wooden crane thing on it. Continue onwards through the puddle and down a small drop, you'll see these drops fairly often as they are used to stop you from going back through the level. So make sure you've done all you want to in an area before driving off one. [Cairn 2/16] is sitting ahead as you reach the water area. Continue straight on into the water driving all the way into a cave behind the waterfall. Journal Note 4/23 - June 2 1702 Get out of the car and go further in, pull a crate off a platform with your rope and push it so you can get up onto the other platform. The note's on the desk. Treasure 34/109 - Eroded Flintlock Pistol On a barrel next on the same platform as the note. Leave the cave and drive down river under a bridge, near the very end of the river is a rock with [Cairn 3/16] sitting on top of it. Drive up the muddy slope on the right side to get up to the rickety bridge, [Cairn 4/16] is found just before it. And once you get to the other side [Cairn 5/16] is right there under a tree. To make it up the mud slopes ahead you've got to drive on the dry rocks rather than just the mud. Once over the hill you'll encounter another one of those drops and then the reach the river above the waterfall. Just drive straight across the water, it's not too deep, follow some tyre tracks up the rocks on the other side, at the top you'll see a tower on a hill as well as [Cairn 6/16]. Keep along the left side of the river and go as far up to the rocks as you can, you should see some more tracks going up the rock on your right, drive up and smash down [Cairn 7/16]. Keep going over the hump and carefully drive around the corner at the bottom going around the tree. Doubling back across the river go up a large mud slope and off another ledge to where the first tower is. Hop out of your car and grab the winch from the front, carry it up the hill by using the steps and walk around the tree at the top so you can tie it on like you did underwater. Before going back to the car investigate the tower a bit. Journal Entry 5/25 - Christopher Condent Look at the circular sigil on the floor inside the base of the tower. Treasure 35/109 - Mughal Ivory Powder Flash Climb up the wooden beams on the inside of the tower, the treasure's on a crate on the floor above. Return to the car and drive it up the muddy slope, with the winch attached you'll make it. Get out and detach the winch from the tree to get going again. Over the peak of the next hill you'll get a good sighting of the volcano. Drop down into the next area. Follow the path to the right, to a muddy stream where you should turn and follow it down, on the corner just before the ruins ahead you can knock over [Cairn 8/16]. Treasure 36/109 - Parchment Scroll On a box in the ruins here. There's another drop ahead if you follow the stream along. At the curve in the road you'll find [Cairn 9/16] sitting proudly on a rock overlooking a puddle. Treasure 37/109 - Ancient Fertility Idol Climb out of your car and jump over a rock on the outside of the bend, the treasure's on a crate in the cave behind it. Back in the car follow the curve the rest of the way round, up a small muddy slope and into view of the second tower. Time for a combat encounter! [Cinematic] o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Trails Tower | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You can get a little closer in the car but obviously you will want to get | | out before you reach the enemy (unless you want to run a few of them | | over, that's entirely possible to do). There are quite a few places for | | enemies here including on top of the smaller buildings of the ruins, a | | sniper high up on the tower, several more wandering around the first | | layer of the tower, and a bunch wandering about the ruins around the base | | of the tower. | | | | For sneaking an order I'd recommend is to get the two walking around at | | the bottom, get the one on the left first then the right one and you | | should be okay if you wait for them to finish chatting. Go around the | | right edge and take out the guy on the outer building next. Then sneak up | | the tower, take out the middle of the three on the tower first, then the | | lower of the three, and then finally the sniper on the top. Next take out | | the two patrolling around on the lower section of the tower before | | dropping towards the middle of the area into some grass. Wait for the guy | | by the door to stop chatting so you can take him out from the grass, then | | get the guy on the other building before the guy next to the detonator. | | There's a guy wandering around looking at dirt to end it. | | | | If you do trigger a fight a group of reinforcements will arrive from the | | other side of the bridge, perhaps a decent opportunity to get the Trophy | | "Boom County" using one of the RPGs from the tower. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Journal Entry 6/25 - Adam Baldridge Detonate the TNT on the door of the tower to get inside, then look at the sigil on the floor. Nothing else in there, get back to your jeep and start driving over the bridge out of here. Not so lucky this time, jump out and grab the winch. You can wrap it around both of the posts of the bridge to pull it down in one go, get into your car and reverse. Up the bridge and then up a muddy slope off a ledge. If you take the first right you can find [Cairn 10/16] near the ruins of half a building. Treasure 38/109 - Pocket Celestial Map Climb up to the top layer of those ruins to find the treasure on a window ledge. Carry on along the path and you'll see a load of Shoreline trucks driving about in the distance. Directly ahead of you after you drop down into the large area is a rock with [Cairn 11/16] sitting on top. Take a left to some ruins. Treasure 39/109 - English Ale Bottle To get into the building first park next to it and use the car to climb up onto the roof. From there shoot a barrel to blow open the opening and drop inside to find the treasure and another Flintlock pistol. Over on the far side of the area are some more ruins, this time with a well next to them. Park right in front of the well and take the winch down with you. Treasure 40/109 - Pewter Letter Cylinder Wrap the winch around a beam on the far side of the water gap and move out of the way. You can use the fallen beam to jump up to where the treasure is above the water. Journal Note 5/23 - June 11 1702 Next to the beam in the far corner is a dead body with this note. Climb back out of the well and drive all the way back over towards the first ruined building that you found in this area, behind it is a rocky path up the hillside. Keep going along the edge until you pass by a couple of markers, then follow the curve around to the right sticking to the upper path where there's another marker. Around the corner after that is a tree, drive to the left of the tree to find a path that goes up to some ruins on the left. In front of the ruins is [Cairn 12/16]. Treasure 41/109 - Mughal Box On a barrel in the ruins. Drive back down the path to the tree and this time take the right path. At the end take a right and you should be able to see [Cairn 13/16] on a rock directly ahead of you. Keep going straight and you'll see a tunnel on your left, go through it to an optional combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Volcano Ruins 1 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Here's one way to sneak around the area: Go to the right around the | | rocks, drop down by the truck and take out the guy near the detonator | | from the grass. Shimmy along the edge of the building to the left to grab | | the guy on top before dropping down again. Make your way left through the | | grasses timing your runs so not to be spotted, the next guy is a shotgun | | wielder in the middle of some ruins, wait next to a wooden wall to ambush | | him as he walks by. There's another guy wandering the floors to the left, | | sneak through the grasses to get him. Next target is up on the building | | next to him, he's got a camera and wanders around a lot so be careful | | grabbing him. The last guy is by the wooden cover in the middle of the | | ruins, as he turns around sneak up and snap his neck. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Treasure 42/109 - English Musket Bandolier Shoot the barrels next to the wooden covering in the middle of the ruins, drop in to find the treasure on a crate. Turn around in your car and go back down the tunnel, follow the path a little to the right but then straight ahead at the turn. Across the way you should see a couple of markers, drive up there to a second set of ruins for another quick optional combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Volcano Ruins 2 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For sneaking go around the left side and get the guy up on the separate | | piece of the ruins. Next sneak around the back to where there's a | | shotgun-wielding guy sitting down, pause before the corner to avoid the | | guy wandering around first though. Creep around near the truck to wait | | for that patroller to move into a position where his body won't get | | spotted. Then climb up onto the top of the ruins to get the guy up there. | | Final two just below, wait for the one with the camera to look the other | | way while you take out the other and then him. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Treasure 43/109 - Antique Tea Tin After clearing out the Volcano Ruins 2 area detonate the TNT to blow up the door, the treasure's in some rubble right at the back. If you drive out of the other entrance to the ruins you'll find yourself pointed straight at the path out of this area. Just before you drive through a pair of markers you can find [Cairn 14/16] in the grass on the left in amongst some pink flowers. Go through those markers and off the little ledge to reach the signal tower. [Cairn 15/16] is opposite the tower. Journal Entry 7/25 - Signal tower Get out of the car and look at the signal tower from a short distance. Conversation 9/36 Climb up onto the base of the signal tower and talk to Sam. Conversation 10/36 After talking to Sam talk to Sully. Treasure 44/109 - Scottish Two Pence Coin Climb up the signal tower, you'll find it in the fire. From the very top of the signal tower you can spot another tower further along. Climb back down and get in the jeep to get driving over there. Once you reach the drawbridge get out of the car and start climbing the tower on the right. Journal Entry 8/25 - Anne Bonny Look at the floor in the base of the tower next to the drawbridge. You can start climbing the tower with some exposed wooden beams at the back, climb inside the window and then up some more wooden beams on the inside. Flip over and climb the rest of the way to the top. Push the crate off the edge. Once settled grab the crate and roll it into the gap where the stairs were, step on it to get up to the crank and start turning. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Drawbridge | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | If you have an RPG you can quite easily get the "Boom County" Trophy by | | shooting the first truck as it arrives (replaying this encounter from the | | main menu starts after they've got out so you'd have to do it in chapter | | select). Otherwise there are ways to be sneaky here but you'll have to be | | careful when jumping over the gap. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Once they're all gone get back up to the crank and this time fully lower the drawbridge. Drive over the drawbridge and up a muddy slope to get another sighting of the final tower. Head towards it and you'll find yourself on a narrow path with [Cairn 16/16] along the way. Around the corner is another muddy hill that you're going to have to use the winch to get up. Get out, grab the winch, and head up the steps to wrap it around the tree at the top. Drive up the slope then up the wall, climb up the side of the jeep and back into the driving seat before pulling the car up the rest of the way. Get out to detach and then drive over the bridge. Get out of the and go up the steps towards the tower. Treasure 45/109 - Scottish Snuff Mull Before trying the door on the left go pick up this treasure from the crates to the right of it. Interact with the door to the left of the tower and shoulder charge it in. Drop down the steps and go into the next room, on the far right wall is a shelf that you can push out of the way. If you haven't got any spare grenades go and grab one of the tnt barrels from the back of the room and chuck it at the fragile looking brick wall, shoot the barrel to blow it up. Spin open the grated gate. Treasure 46/109 - Brass and Ivory Tankard On the left side of the room on the back of some crates. Treasure 47/109 - Muff Pistol On the right side of the room, inside one of the three crates in the near corner. Use a gun to shoot it or a grenade to blow it up or go back and get a barrel. Down the spiral staircase we go. After squeezing through a gap head straight over to the opposite side of the room to inspect the wall. [Cinematic] o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Avery's Tower | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | If you've got any grenades left now's a good time to use them, throw them | | at the heavily armoured shotgun guys in the middle as they can only be | | headshotted once their helmets are off. The cover at the start isn't | | great as the upper areas can easily flank you so if you stick there keep | | an eye out to the sides. Once the second lot appear watch out for the | | high up grenade launcher enemy, he's armoured too so a grenade will help. | | Keep your wits about you as you run around dodging the new shotgun | | enemies and finish off any other stragglers. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Interact with what Sam is holding to finish the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-----------------------------------, ,--------, | [021200] |~-~-~-~-| Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight |~-~-~-~-| [021200] | '--------' '-----------------------------------' '--------' * 5 Treasures * 1 Conversation [Cinematic] Walk down the steps and into the market. Treasure 48/109 - Earthenware Mug Go to the left down some more steps into an alley, the "treasure" is just around the corner. Cross back over to the righthand side of the market. Treasure 49/109 - "Antique" Compass You can interact with an item on a stall partway along the right side, try to do so three times to get the treasure. There's a Trophy around here, a woman in the middle of the market will sell you an apple, buy it. Next continue along through the market until you see a lemur on a man's shoulder just down a very short set of steps. Interact with it and then walk away a short distance, the lemur will then give you "Don't Feed the Animals". Conversation 11/36 After interacting with the lemur Sully will want to talk, be careful not to walk past him as he'll run off. Nothing else to do in the market, go up the steps and through another busy section to the front door of the tower. It's locked so go to the right to where there's a gap in the fence and you can shimmy walk along the edge of a pillar. Jump from pillar to pillar, then grab the ledge above to make the last jump, in through the open window. Treasure 50/109 - Nephrite and Jade Bowl On the opposite side of where you enter is a similar looking side room, the treasure is on a statue in there. After you've got that go up the steps in the middle to a wooden door you can push open. Interact with the central pedestal to get the puzzle going. The order to ring the bells is Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus. To get up to ring them go over to the spiral staircase that emerged and hook onto it, climb the rope to reach the top. From there jump to a wooden platform above the Aquarius statue and then onto one of the weights in the middle. Shimmy around the weight so you can backwards jump to the platform on the other side. Get up on top of the wooden wall here and jump onto the other weight, climb to the top quickly and jump to the left one's lowest point as it goes upwards. Climb to the top of it and quickly jump to the left, if you aren't quite quick enough you can repeat the sequence by jumping onto the lowest point of the right one again. From there climb up and repeat going left but this time you should have a bit more to jump to a platform to the left when you reach the highest point. You'll now find yourself on a platform with some large cogs, you've gotta climb up them and go around the right side onto the edge of one. From there jump to the side to a second and then time a jump through another cog to a third and then up to a platform with the Leo bell (don't bother ringing it, the first bell is Scorpio). Turn towards the middle and start climbing some more cogs, this'll take you up to the left where you can ring the Scorpio bell. The next bell is Aquarius, looking towards the middle it is down to the left. Jump onto the cogs and drop down there fairly easily. For Leo walk out onto a beam and jump through a large cog onto a weight. Shimmy around the other side and off onto a ledge, jump back onto the weight as it moves back up to get to a second ledge directly above you where you can get to the Leo bell. Climb up the cogs here to get back to the Scorpio bell, this time when leaving go up the sideways cogs and jump onto a swinging weight. Get around the other side of it to backjump to the platform with the Taurus bell. Go up the staircase that lowered for you, rope swing back across then up some ledges so you can pull a lever down. It'll briefly pause the giant cog for you to climb up the side, get on top of and run and jump to the left to land on a platform there. Before heading out the window jump onto the gear on the outer wall, you'll notice it moving the minute hand of the clock outside, you want to make it so that it's pointing to the left opposite the hour hand. Climb out of the window, up the squares next to the window and across the clock hands, jumping from the minute hand just before it falls off. Carry on up the tower going right, rope run around the corner and then up to the top of the window here. Stand up and jump to make your way onto the balcony to see the giant bell. Before going in you've got a treasure to find. Treasure 51/109 - Ivory Handle Dagger Ignore the bell and instead climb up any one of the four pillars, the sides with the two squares are where to start. Shimmy around and climb another two squares and a couple of standing points to reach the area above. The treasure is on one of the balconies up here by the beams. If you want to get the "I Can See My House From Here!" Trophy now is the time to do it, just keep climbing up the tower and stand on the very top. You can get down to the bell by dropping down through the beams and then jumping down onto a sort of ladder that doesn't quite reach the floor but is safe to drop from the bottom of. Ignore the crank and instead jump and start swinging on the bar attached to the bell's clapper. Swing back and forth a few times to ring it (you just have to hold forwards). Jump at the end of the gear you slide down and then just hang there on the weight. On the gear keep trying to climb up it before hooking on below and reaching the ground. Treasure 52/109 - Brass Globe Hand Warmer Before you go down the spiral staircase go around to the other side, it's in the rubble. With all the collectibles found go down the staircase and move the junk out of the way to squeeze past. Barge down the door at the bottom of the steps to reach another puzzle room. Unfortunately even if you know the combinations the game will force you to solve this thing properly. The first one is self contained, you just need to line up the stars on the sides with each other which means rotating the skull to the left and the arm to the right. The second set do not have any stars on them, you'll have to go into the sideroom to find squares on each painting that show you where the stars are supposed to be. The first square on Adam Baldridge is fairly obvious, on his shoulder - focus with L2 and press Triangle when your vision square is over the square. The square on Christopher Condent's is just below his sword hand, and the square on Anne Bonny's is in the bottom right. Return to the machine and turn the skeletons to the left, turn the horse to the right, and turn the dragon to the right. For the third you've got to take a picture, make sure to snap a few of Sully to get the "Glamour Shot" Trophy before taking one of the icons. If you didn't you will get another opportunity to do so on the next set. William Mayes' square is at the base of the statue in the bottom left. Answer the phone. Richard Want's is to his left near the globe. Pick up the third portrait with Sully and you'll find Joseph Farrel's square in the bottom right near his sword. The sequence to turn them is the black dolphin on the right, trident to the left, skeleton hands upside down. The familiar looking unnamed pirate guy has his square brush against his elbow. Answer your phone again. The second unnamed painting has his square in the top right corner. Yazid al-Basra's square is on the scarf belt. And Edward England's is on his satchel. Turn the scales upsidedown, the snake to the left, the monkey sigil upsidedown, and the tiger to the right. Interact and take a photo of each of the three points. [Cinematic] Run down the steps and go out the front door. If you're after the "Stage Fright" Trophy make sure to watch the next cinematic and then do nothing for 30 seconds after it ends. [Cinematic] We're heading back through the market now, follow Sully down the steps and into the combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Market Escape | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Duck into cover and take out the three guys shooting at you, once they're | | gone run forwards and then duck into cover by the pillar when the truck | | starts shooting at you. Don't try and shoot it back, just move forwards | | between cover and shoot the enemies that appear on the left. Once the | | truck moves go right to shoot at enemies that are coming out of the | | building that had queues inside earlier. | | | | Make a run inside the building and finish off the guys left inside, once | | the truck smashes through dash up the stairs and out the open door onto a | | balcony shooting a couple more guys out there. Get onto the slightly | | raised roof and jump across the awnings to above where the truck is, from | | there jump directly into the jeep. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Chase | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now for a driving chase sequence, drive forwards through the gate down | | the hill. This is mostly just about keeping moving taking any and all | | alternate paths you spot. Use of the handbrake to quickly round corners | | is quite handy too. Once you reach a square roundabout take the opposite | | exit, quickly take the corner when you reach the traffic and smash back | | through onto the roundabout. This time the truck is in a different | | position so you can now safely jump off the blue steps around the other | | side. | | | | At the digger go up the muddy slope next to it to get around and keep | | going downhill. Smash through another chainlink fence as you reach the | | truck again, then over rooftops and head towards the tower. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Convoy | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Don't need to worry about getting shot by a truck in this section, just | | in keeping up. The path loops under the road several times so just keep | | on going along. Once you reach the river and climb up onto the top of the | | car hook your rope onto the crane and try to swing about to avoid hitting | | a couple of obstacles. When you hit the water climb up the rope and then | | swing out of the way of a stationary wooden tower thing. After that | | you'll be dragged along the ground. | | | | Start shooting at the enemies in the vehicles (a Trophy "Hang Tough!" is | | awarded if you blow up 10 vehicles while being dragged here so if you | | want that do not pull yourself up the rope until you've got it), once | | you're ready to climb the rope to the truck bed and clamber inside. Shoot | | a few more vehicles and you'll notice the truck you're on will start to | | set on fire, once that happens jump to a second truck that's handily in | | range directly ahead. After a while on there it too will start to smoke, | | this time you've gotta leap to a car driving alongside and take out the | | occupants by mashing Triangle. | | | | Get close to another truck and you'll get the opportunity to rope onto it | | and pull yourself up. Keep on killing enemies before it starts smoking, | | again onto another car but this time it's for keeps. Knock over the | | motorbikes shooting at you as you continue racing along trying to keep up | | with Sam at the front of the pack. | | | | Clamber out of the car by moving your hands onto the handholds then | | bursting out with your gun shooting the two guys outside. Once on the | | motorbike start shooting wildly at the truck and just keep on shooting | | all the way to the end of the chapter - all the shots that hit the truck | | count for your accuracy stat so it will actually help you there. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [Cinematic] ,--------, ,--------------------, ,--------, | [021300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 12: At Sea |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [021300] | '--------' '--------------------' '--------' * 13 Treasures * 6 Journal Entries * 2 Journal Notes * 2 Conversations [Cinematic] Drive forwards towards the two large islands ahead of you, dead ahead you should see a small beach on the left of the big islands. Journal Entry 9/25 - Rest in Peace On a small beach on the larger island, take a look at the grave. Journal Note 5/23 - January 17 1808 Just lying on a crate in a cave at the back of the beach. Return to your boat and head to the right, keep going around the island past an empty beach on the tip and around into a cove with another beach. Treasure 53/109 - Combination Lock Tobacco Box Get out of your boat and jump ashore, you'll find the treasure on a broken barrel in the jungle area at the back of the beach. Get back in the boat and head in the direction of the shipwreck that you can passed by on the way in. Journal Note 6/23 - January 24 1808 In a satchel amongst the junk on a sand island near the shipwreck. Sail around to where the shipwreck is, if you get out and swim around in the water for a bit you can get the Trophy "Marco Polo Returns!". Journal Entry 10/25 - Sunken ship Get out onto the sand and look at the ship's mast, you should get the prompt if you walk about a bit. Treasure 54/109 - Brass Pocket Sundial Jump into the water and dive down into the wreck, you'll find the treasure in the back of it on the middle layer. In the boat drive back towards the large islands, this time going to the far right side of the smaller of the big islands. You'll see a tower as you approach a beach back there, jump out. Treasure 55/109 - Silver and Wood Tankard Head towards the middle of the beach, just inland you should see a large rock with two palm trees to either side. If you crouch you can find the treasure in the darkness there. Journal Entry 11/25 - The crimes of murder and ship-wrecking Turn around and you'll see a dead body attached to a large stake. Treasure 56/109 - Persian Silver Pen Box Facing the water go down the right end of the beach you're on, there's a small cave with the treasure hidden in the grass. Now you can head further inland into the jungle area, you should see some stone carved steps that you can walk up. Keep on going up past the covered circular door of some kind up some more steps and then left over a bridge and into a little tunnel leading to the lookout tower. To start climbing the tower go inside and climb the ladder on the wall, from there go onto a beam, over to another ladder and then up onto the floor above. Climb up one more floor then out the window we go, shimmy to the left and use your rope to climb up to the top and inside the room there. The quick way back down is to hook back onto the rope point and rappel all the way down to the bottom. To quickly get to the beach with the newly raised arrow marker you can slide down the muddy slope to the right of the bridge and then walk through the cave towards the water. Sam'll bring the boat around for you if you left it on the other side so get in when he arrives. Following the arrow will take you to the beach directly across on the larger island, but it leads to another arrow. Follow that arrow to the right and you should be able to spot the third arrow not too far, it's partially submerged in the water on the sandy island. Treasure 57/109 - Panamanian Pendant Before following the third arrow turn to the right and sail towards a small beach at the back of the lookout island, the treasure's behind some rocks at the back. Back in the boat get back to the third arrow and follow it to a fourth one that's completely submerged. This will point to the left going around the larger island. There's a fifth not too far away that points a little to the right, a sixth curving back to the left and then a seventh pointing towards a beach on the large island. Before you go any further you might want to sail around this area looking for dolphins for the "On Porpoise" Trophy, all three are around here you'll just wanna go a bit further out to sea to find them. Treasure 58/109 - Persian Leather Notebook Case And before you head into the cove that the last arrow is pointing at go slightly further around under a rock arch and park your boat next to a high ledge. Use the boat to climb up onto it and find the treasure up a set of ledges on the cliff wall. Now you can dive back into the water and head into the hidden cove (if you had explored here earlier it would have been closed off), stop the boat next to the column in the middle of the water and climb up onto the ledges on it. Make your way up to a platform high up where you'll be able to climb further up to where you can actually reach that rope swing across the water. Around the corner you'll sight the most elaborate place yet. Treasure 59/109 - Deccani Bronze Spouted Bowl Go down the steps in front of you and drop into a little river, take a right into the darkness where you'll find the treasure on a step. Follow Sam towards the entrance and continue on to some orange ledges on the left side. Go through the cave tunnel to move some wood blocking the way. Jump onto the ledges on the side of the arch to shimmy your way up top there. Over the arch you'll see some other arches and a rope bridge up high, go under it to where there's half a rope ladder that you can boost Sam onto. Climb up the remains of the rope bridge and then jump over on top of those arches Nate and Sam commented on a moment ago. Treasure 60/109 - Mughal Elephant Carving On this platform go into the dark archway to find the treasure. Climb a wooden beam on the cliff wall up to a wooden platform and then across some monkey bars and then shimmy along the wooden planks. Jump over to Sam (while you can't push the crate off yourself, if you jump down Sam will actually push it off to help you get straight back up). Conversation 12/36 Before dropping off anywhere walk to the point of the cliff looking out at the sea, Sam will talk if you get right to the end. There's a tree here with a rope hooking point on it, if you're facing the lookout tower jump off the left side of the cliff and swing yourself onto some ledges below the tip. Make your way around to another rope point and across to some platforms. Go through the gap and on the left are some ledges to climb up, backwards jumping the last part. Another rope swing across the gap but don't climb up, instead wall run to the right to jump to the ledges over there just past the mud stream. Climb up to the tower above you. Treasure 61/109 - Ottoman Helmet Inside the bottom of the tower. Climb up the outside of the tower then through the window up to the top. Be very careful of this rope swing, swing too far and you'll miss the next treasure. Treasure 62/109 - Deccani Bronze Vase Land on the solid land just before the mud slope rather than on the mud slope itself, do that by jumping after you start swinging back towards the tower. On your left are a ledge you can shimmy along to reach the treasure around the other side of the rock. Now you can jump down the mud slope. Treasure 63/109 - Strange Relic Immediately go to the left at the bottom of the mud slope. Climb the ledges on the left at the end up to the top. If you look across you should see a round basin type thing and a rope point high above it, jump towards that and the prompt should appear while you're in the air. To get back safely do a similar wild jump in the direction the rope point is to get the prompt while jumping. Return to the bottom of the first mud slope and climb up onto the ledges there overlooking the cistern. Journal Entry 13/36 - A far cry Go down the platforms to the right of the mud slope to look at the orange spear wrapped with rope. There's another rope point lower down to the left of you, if you jump towards that you'll hook on. Don't rappel off it though! Treasure 64/109 - Hamsa Mythical Goose While still attached to the lower of the two hook points climb back up the rope and swing towards the statue holding you up. The treasure is by its feet. Now you can reattach to the hook point and rappel to the base of the cistern. Go into the room with all the maps and models. Journal Entry 14/36 - Biggest and most ornate Look at the model city street in the centre of the room. Conversation 13/16 Look at all the stuff in this room and the other and Sam will talk to you. Treasure 65/109 - Pique Tortoise Shell Box To reach it on the grassy section over the water in the back of the two rooms you have to go around the back, dive into the water and clamber out onto some mossy rocks behind the treasure. Opposite those two rooms is a larger doorway that leads to a closed wooden door with a stone panel in front. Investigate the panel and step on it and then help Sam pull open the door the rest of the way. Another puzzle! Go up to the wheel and interact with it to get started. The idea here is to line up the symbols on the balls with the symbols in the light, the trick being to only rotate one of the balls at a time. First move the wheel to the right to get the black and white ball onto a star position, if you press Square it'll rotate a little, what you want is to press it three times so that the black half is on the left and the white on the right. Spin the wheel to the left so that the letter ball is on the star now, rotate it six times to get the W at the front. Now you can move them into the light. Moving onto the second layer move the balls so that only one of them is on a star not both. Turn the triple line four times to get them diagonally down to the right with the black splodge in the middle, turn the single line twice to get it in the same diagonal direction and then put them into the light. The top layer adds more complexity, the symbols rotate as you move them. So if you want to see how far out of alignment they are when in the light move them into the light to check. You need to rotate the female symbol (the stick figure) twice and the male sybmol (the arrow) four times. Go up the steps and pull the lever. You can't just jump into the sea for some reason so climb up the ledges on the left side and then over a gap to the top of a zipline. Through the back of the cave you'll find yourself near the boat that you left in the cave earlier on. Drop down and get in, exit the cave via the newly opened sea door. Head back to the lookout tower island to the right. Journal Entry 14/36 - Avery After going up the first set of stairs look up at the giant Avery statue. Continue up the rest of the stairs to the very top and look through Avery's spyglass to finish the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,----------------------, ,--------, | [021400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 13: Marooned |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [021400] | '--------' '----------------------' '--------' * 5 Treasures * 2 Journal Entries * 2 Journal Notes [Cinematic] Stumble to the left and over a palm tree, straight ahead when you stand up again are some platforms you can climb up onto. Go around the left side of the large rock at the top, sidestepping along a little ledge to reach the remains of the boat. Go to your left underneath the tree then climb up to the right. Walk around the other side of the rock and climb the handholds on the back, quite a big drop ahead to just fall down into. The corner will fall away leaving you to sidestep around it over to some ledges and handholds that you will have to grab individually rather than jump between. Up top you've got a long ledge to jump up to and shimmy along, after a couple of handholds drop down to a sidestepping ledge below to get past the first little waterfall, get onto the handholds to the right and try to climb upwards. [Cinematic] Now the rain has stopped. Walk forwards through the gap between two rocks and go off a little drop to the right, go to the far end and jump to the ledges on the cliff wall, make your way up top then onto the handholds and ledges on the cliff with small waterfalls running out of it. Treasure 66/109 - Persian Ring If you shimmy all the way to the far right end of these ledges you can find the treasure sitting on one. Climb up to the top and go into the cave, take the second left up onto a platform where you can see a rope prompt up to the left, swing onto it to get around the corner and up onto the top. Ahead of you you'll see a tree and another rope point to the right of it, swing over to land on a platform beneath a load of handholds. Climb them around to the right. [Cinematic] On your left is a rope point, hook on and jump off towards the large waterfall. Treasure 67/109 - Wood Tankard Rather than swinging across the waterfall swing onto some ledges on the near side of it. Work your way down into the cave below, the treasure is not far in along the left side amongst some bottles and tankards. Keep on going through the cave, jump across to some handholds through a bit of falling water. From there jump to the platform directly ahead in the darkness, your torch will turn on automatically. Journal Entry 15/36 - No Quarter for Thieves Straight ahead of you when the torch turns on is a dead body to look at, it has a message scrawled on the wall next to it. Turning to the left now you'll find a slope to jump down, and then some ledges to climb up at the bottom. Heading into a water filled cave. Treasure 68/109 - Spy Glass On a barrel to the left just inside the cave. Continue through the cave to the right, you'll have to duck to get out into the sunlight again. Climb up and out of the water. Journal Entry 16/36 - This would suck Look up at the guy hanging off a rope by his leg. Journal Note 7/23 - March 20 1808 A dead body beneath that guy hanging off a rope by his leg. Begin climbing the ledges to the right of the dead guys, you'll pass behind the hanging one and then back across above him. Grabbing the piton from the rope you now have a brand new ability to use in your climbing. When you see pitted rocks you are able to slam the piton into them by pressing Square to create your handhold. To make up the gaps you need to jump and then stab it into the rocks rather than just reaching and stabbing while holding on. It can sometimes mean that you end up a little short of being able to jump to the next handhold so if that happens go back to where you leapt from and try to leap further before stabbing the rocks. You also can't go from a piton handhold to another piton handhold unless you're falling downwards. Anyway, work your way up to the top. Ahead of you is a gap to another slightly lower down platform, leap it then turn to the right to see another pitted rockwall. You've got to time the piton so that you only press it once you are just about to hit the wall, too early and you'll not even try to stab it. At the top drop down to the left into a slightly grassy area, finally jump over to some ledges next to some tall grass. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Island Jungle | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now is the point where you will need to decide whether you're going to | | attempt the "Peaceful Resolution" Trophy that wants you to leave everyone | | alive from here all the way until you get to Chapter 15. If you want to | | do that you need to either carefully sneak your way around the enemies | | along the edges only jumping when they turn their backs or turn the | | difficulty down and just run for it - just be careful when roping or | | sliding down a slope not to land on an enemy. | | | | If you want to go in guns blazing first you'll have to actually get | | yourself a gun, you can quite easily sneak through the grass going left, | | jump across to the ledges and piton rock then just wait for the enemy to | | wander near. | | | | The ultimate destination is the same whichever way you do it, next to a | | sniper/grenade launcher's vantage point is a rope swing point. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Walk through the jungle then up onto a platform when you get spooked by a bird. Journal Note 8/23 - To whoever finds this note Next to a skeleton at the base of the set of handholds in the jungle. Treasure 69/109 - Dress Dirk On your left is a cave, the treasure's at the back past a root you climb over. Go back out and climb up the handholds next to that skeleton. [Cinematic] Follow Sam through an archway and eventually to the side of an ivy covered building, if you go up the steps next to it you can climb on the roof and drop in. Inside take a left, crouch around the corner and squeeze under a box. Ignore the prompt to move some wood, instead go to the right to get around the other side of it. Treasure 70/109 - Frechen Bearded Bottle Ahead is a drop into a room on the right, crouch under the floor in here to find the treasure. Climb back out of the room the way you came in and follow Sam through to a quick crate puzzle. To reach the crate you've got to go up the slope to the left, crouch under a root and you'll find yourself behind the crate. Push it off then jump down and climb up it to finish the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,---------------------------------, ,--------, | [021500] |~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 14: Join Me in Paradise |~-~-~-~-~| [021500] | '--------' '---------------------------------' '--------' * 9 Treasures * 4 Journal Entries * 2 Journal Notes * 6 Conversations Don't jump down! Treasure 71/109 - Carved Horn Bird Sculpture On your right is a fairly high up opening, jump up to it to climb through. The treasure is on a cart on the other side. Now you can jump down. Conversation 7/23 Immediately after jumping down stay there and wait for Sam to finish talking. Jump down further and head across the street and into the pub. Conversation 8/23 Sit down on the chair in the middle of the pub for a chat. Jump out of the window and across to the stables. Journal Entry 17/25 - Why did they abandon their horses? Look at some horse bones in the stable. Conversation 9/23 After looking at the horse bones Sam'll ask you a question. Head out of the stables. Journal Entry 18/25 - Article Five A stone tablet on the other side of the stables. To the right you can find a blacksmiths. Conversation 10/23 Interact with the sword on the table. Journal Note 9/23 - May 17 1715 Upstairs on a desk at the blacksmiths, there's a ledge to climb up through a window. Leaving the blacksmith go down the path next to it, opposite the stables. Treasure 72/109 - Mughal Vase In the house on your left now you can find the treasure in the room behind the stairs. Walk down towards the statue of Avery. Conversation 11/23 Talk to Sam when he puts himself into the stocks. Journal Entry 19/25 - Nice drawings, Nate You'll get this at the same time as the conversation with Sam. Journal Entry 20/25 - Symbol Look at the back of Avery's statue. Next to the stocks is a jail, head inside. Treasure 73/109 - Ancient Stone Pot In the back are four cells, go in the left one then crouch through to the one next to it to get the treasure. Across from the prison is an open door, go in and then out over a shelf past the collapsed stairs. In this room you've got to crouch under a fallen platform to enter the tunnels, take a right into the hideout. At the back of the room is a ladder to climb up. Treasure 74/109 - Painted Copper Bottle Take a right after the ladder to find this treasure. Now take the left path through a church to an open hole with a rope point, grab on and rappel down through it. Quickly swing across to the buildings to enter the combat encounter before you get spotted. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Colony | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Don't forget to be gentle if you're after the trophy. If you're going to | | sneak don't bother trying to go around the left side, there's a guard who | | pretty much just sits there staring in the direction you're coming from. | | You can instead go along the right edge shimmying along ledges around to | | some grass, then into a building and up to the halfway point where you | | start to see the snipers. Gets tricky here to advance without being | | spotted but you can get by the first part by rolling off the edge inside | | and shimmying around to the half a floor to the left. Out the window | | climb up onto another window and wait for the shotgun guy to walk | | downstairs. | | | | Quickly run up through the open window on the steps, rope across to the | | sniper tower and shimmy around to the right onto the unoccupied platform | | in the tower between the snipers. Where you want to go is through the | | doorway behind the guy patrolling across the little wooden plank bridge, | | you'll have to run across the bridge while he's walking to the left, | | quickly going through the door as he turns. Drop down the hole to finish | | the first encounter. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Journal Note 10/23 - Franklin On the table where you drop down. Note that the rest of the treasures for this chapter are numbered according to their position in the Treasures menu, for some reason they are not listed in the order that you find them like it is done for the rest of the game. Treasure 79/109 - Mughal Jade Bottle At the wooden beam opening in the room turn to the left and climb up a ledge next to it, shimmy to the left to grab the treasure on a little bit of flooring in the corner above. A long leap across to the next building through the large gap in the corner, jump from that room to some monkey bars on a pole then shimmy around and corner and up over into a combat encounter which still of course counts for the no kills trophy. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Landslide | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sneak through the grass so you can get close enough to rope onto the | | building where the first enemies are, swing around the corner, leap and | | hook onto a second rope point to get all the way across to another | | building. | | | | Drop into some grass and go to the right side, roll of the edge and go | | along the stone handholds along the cliff. Don't be too quick or a guy up | | to the right will spot you. Wait on the end of the cliff section for the | | guy wandering around above you to walk up and away before you climb | | through the window and quickly duck through the doorway to the right into | | some more grass. Boost Sam up to end the encounter - you'll probably not | | want to be spotted while doing this so keep an eye out for the guy who | | patrols this area as well as a guy across the gap to the right. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Safe at last. Just to the left of where you climbed up is a thin ledge you should sidestep along, jump to some ledges and then onto the floor below. Drop down then push open the doors. Sidestep to the corner, shimmy around and go inside the tower, on the left side of the door is a ladder. At the top of it flip over and continue the climb along the exposed beams on the right. Flip over at the window, shimmy along the beam to the left, up onto your feet then a small square window above. At another standing point jump behind you then up the rest of the ladder. Swing across. Go up the steps but do not drop down. Treasure 76/109 - Slipjoint Claspknife On the right at the top of the stairs leap off towards a rope point that you can just about see around the corner, you'll get the prompt while you're in the air. Swing around into the building to grab the treasure on a box. Make a similar jump to swing back out of the building and around to beneath where you jumped from a moment ago. Go through the open window and then the door inside, swing across the massive gap. Treasure 77/109 - Large Bronze Boar Instead of going right go to the left along a sidestepping ledge. The treasure is on a table inside. Back out, swing across to a balcony and in through a broken wall. Treasure 75/109 - Stout Vase After sliding down the slope go up the stairs on the right, going backwards over where you came in to find the treasure on a desk over a gap. Drop back down and go through the exit in the left corner, this'll leap out to a battle area. Conversation 12/23 Wait for Sam to investigate a body near the start. Treasure 78/109 - Mughal Serving Vase Go around the right side of the area, just before some steps you can find the treasure on a fallen over chair. In through the main door, pull the lever inside next to the large golden door, then help Sam open it to finish the chapter. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,---------------------------------------, ,--------, | [021600] |~-~-~-| Chapter 15: The Thieves of Libertalia |~-~-~-| [021600] | '--------' '---------------------------------------' '--------' * 1 Treasure * 1 Journal Entry * 3 Journal Notes * 2 Conversations Time to look around the room, wait a bit before looking in the boxes and drawers though. Treasure 80/109 - Emerald Flask On your left you'll see a row of large shelves, one of which has fallen and is leaning against the others. Go around and crouch underneath it to find the treasure. Conversation 20/36 In the back left corner is a dead body to look at. Sam'll want to talk. Journal Entry 21/25 - Not a good time To the right of that is the fallen head of the statue above, look at that to get the entry. Now you can investigate the drawers, chests, cupboards and boxes scattered through the room. You'll find the Journal Notes at random. Journal Note 11/23 - Manifest Journal Note 12/23 - Section D Journal Note 13/23 - Section G All three are found at random in the boxes, do not talk to Sam before finding them all! Once you've found all three notes you are safe to talk to Sam in the middle of the room. Conversation 21/36 After rummaging through the drawers for a while he'll crouch in the middle of the room. Doesn't actually seem to be optional but it counts. [Cinematic] Over on the right side of the room Sam will ask for a hand pushing a shelf. Once the chandelier is raised climb up on the shelves next to where it was and use your rope to hook on. Swing to the chain directly ahead of you and then onto the frame of the painting of Anne Bonny on the wall. Shimmy along the other portraits to the left, climb up then up through an open window. Go up the stairs then use the piece of broken pillar to grab onto a beam in the corner. High above you can look at a rope point, to reach it you've gotta grab the broken sections of the wall. Climb the rope and swing up to the windows on the right of the hook, you'll be able to make it up into a room above from there. Wait for Sam and boost him up to another floor, climb up on the chest he drops and then finally up the ladder to the top. [Cinematic] Start down the side of the tower. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Tower Collapse | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Once the rocket hits you've gotta climb down a bit further to a pipe just | | below, then in through a window that explodes. Jump across to a floor | | below then back across and down where Sam is running. Keep following him | | down. | | | | As you fall down the slope use your rope to hook on, ignore the folk | | shooting at you and instead climb up the rope to rejoin Sam. Run and jump | | across the gaps and when more people start shooting at you just run for | | the door at the end. Square it open then attempt to Triangle open another | | door, on the slope you fall onto jump at the end to the ledges. Climb | | around the corner and up, you'll fall to a single beam which is actually | | a pole to swing forwards on. Climb up and then jump out the window to | | keep on going up the side and in through another window. | | | | [Cinematic] | | | | Not much you can do to affect the fight, just try to punch and tap | | Triangle to get out of any holds. Once you fall out of the window shimmy | | up to the right, rope swing around the corner and jump back in on top. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [Cinematic] ,--------, ,--------------------------------, ,--------, | [021700] |~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 16: The Brothers Drake |~-~-~-~-~-| [021700] | '--------' '--------------------------------' '--------' * 3 Treasures * 3 Conversations Treasure 81/109 - Toy Soldier Before following Sam go to the right side of the grounds, past a large deactivated fountain. The treasure is sitting on a wooden bench just outside of that fountain area. Follow Sam to the left end of the grounds up a wide path and through an archway. Around back you'll find a little building that you need to get some help from Sam to climb up onto. To follow him up to the window ledge you need to first climb over to the sloped roof and make a running jump to grab it. Climb up and go through the window. To advance from this room you just have to look through a couple of grey boxes sitting on the floor scattered about the place. Drop down the attic door once Sam opens it up for you. No real need to look through any more boxes downstairs. Once down take follow Sam to the left and go through the slightly cracked door to the left when he goes to the right. Conversation 22/36 Look at the note on the desk in this room to get Sam to talk. Open up the other door to reach a sarcophagus. Treasure 82/109 - Toy Seaplane On your right is a staircase that leads only to the treasure. Once you're done investigating all the items head downstairs into a laundry room. Open the door in the middle and then another door in there to get into the kitchen. In here there's a Roman helmet you can put on if you like. Go through the doorway to a dining room and through to another room with a Persian helmet to try on. Once you reach the main staircase go to the left just past it to get to a conservatory area. Conversation 23/36 Look at a Pyrate book on the table in here to talk to Sam. Conversation 24/36 Right away after the previous conversation. Go back out and go up the main staircase. Try one of the locked doors then head back all the way down the stairs, once you reach the bottom Sam'll finally notice the air vent he's been staring at. Go to the right down the small steps and over to a bookcase in the far right corner (beforehand you might want to try on a Samurai helmet from this room, decide which of the three hats (if any) you want to wear before attempting to move the shelf as it has a minor visual effect on the game). Shake the polaroid a bit Once you've pushed it start climbing the shelf. Treasure 83/109 - Pirate Snowglobe When directly above the bookcase perform a backjump to the balcony area behind you. The treasure is on the sofa. Jump back over and start shimmying along the top ledge (if you jump along you can knock the statues off), past some weapons and around the corner to the vent. Inside the vent take the second left and drop out into the room below. The key is on the drawers on the other side of the bed, open the door and go unlock the other door at the far end of the landing. Open up the box under the desk. [Cinematic] A quick flip through a page of the journal. [Cinematic] Shimmy to the left and up a drainpipe. Follow Sam jumping across to some more guttering then up to the top. Climb down the chimney then off the edge of the balcony to the ground with Sam. Run following Sam, when a cop gets in your path jump over the wall on your left and catch up with Sam again. Once you're up the dumpster you're out. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,---------------------------------, ,--------, | [021800] |~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 17: For Better or Worse |~-~-~-~-~| [021800] | '--------' '---------------------------------' '--------' * 6 Treasures * 2 Journal Entries * 2 Journal Notes * 6 Conversations [Cinematic] Wade across the river following Elena to the right, take a look up at a car and then boost Elena up the ladder on your left. Conversation 25/36 After climbing the ladder Elena will pause up ahead to talk to let you talk to her. Treasure 84/109 - Mughal Flared Vase On the ground to the left of where Elena stops to talk to you. Keep following Elena. Conversation 26/36 After a quick walk through the river up here she'll want to talk again when you get back on dry land. Hop over the tree root in the path ahead to get a look at the elevator. Climb onto the platform to the right, then up again. Directly ahead of you now is a large grass covered rock you can climb up onto to jump over to a piton wall. At the top of that you'll see the car again, jump down into the water and then climb out via a ledge to the left of where you jumped down from. Boost Elena up another ladder. Wait a few moments and Elena will push a crate down into the water, swim over to it and use your rope to pull it over to the shallower side where you can then push it into position below the central climbable rock. You've gotta use your piton to get around the other side of the rock to climb up to the log you need to walk across. From there climb the platform to a small bridge, attempt to cross it. Make sure to lean to the right as you slide down the river so you can hook onto the rope point at the end. Swing over to the piton wall beneath the elevator and climb around and up. Wait for Elena to start the elevator then grab onto the side once it arrives, move around to the side and again wait for Elena to get it moving, once it stops shimmy off to the left past some crouch caves then up when you get to a beam. Make your way over the outcrop and drop down the other side timing a piton jab as you fall. Swing over to the enemies and kill the one still alive (don't worry about the upcoming Trophy, these guys aren't part of it) to grab some ammo and rejoin Elena. Conversation 27/36 After taking out a couple of enemies Elena will wander over to look at the elevator. Conversation 28/36 Straight after the previous conversation. Treasure 85/109 - Mughal Hinged Box Directly across from where you landed there are some broken steps leading down to where you would have ended up had the bridge not broken, drop down there to grab the treasure from the crate. To get back up climb the beams below the broken steps. Now we head up the path to the right, just before the little stone wall are some ledges to climb on your left. Climb up then jump across the path to get further up, one more jump to the left into some tall grass. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Get to the Car | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | There is a Trophy here "Just Floor It!" that wants you to get to Elena's | | car without killing any enemies, which of course means stealth as | | otherwise Elena's gonna start shooting even if you don't. Don't forget | | you also need to drive away in the car without killing anyone (or getting | | killed) and you need to survive so doing this on a lower difficulty | | setting is pretty much a must. | | | | First jump into the river and slide down it to some grass in the water at | | the bottom right of the sloped part, sneak around the back of the rock up | | to the right and climb up the back of it to hide in the grass at the top. | | Wait for enemies to look away before leaping down to the right into some | | grass. The enemy here will eventually walk the other way allowing you to | | roll off the edge and shimmy around following where he's going all the | | way to the end of the edge, back jump to a column and climb up the side | | facing away from the enemies. | | | | Watching out for the two enemies patrolling just across from you, stand | | up on the top and jump over to the ledges on your right, climb up and to | | the right and you'll be right beneath the car. Before climbing up watch | | the enemies so that you're not spotted before you can get in, when you do | | get in you will be spotted so immediately floor it straight ahead then | | curving to the left and into the river (make sure not to run anyone | | over). Drive along the river hoping to not get killed by the enemies that | | are obviously now shooting at you, keep following it along up the slope | | to get away safely. Try it on a hard difficulty if you want but on | | Crushing I just don't see how you can survive this part. | | | | To sneak around with kills you can try starting with the area directly | | ahead across the river, you can slide straight over there into the grass | | to take out the guy patrolling the grass and the guy on the platfom above | | when he gets close to the edge above the grass. The guys patrolling on | | the other side of the river are going to make it a pain to get the other | | guy up here so just drop down and slide further down the river to the | | bend, sneak into the grass and wait for the enemy to get near to take him | | out. Above you to the left is another patroller, go around the corner and | | climb onto the edge of where he walks right in the corner so you can pull | | him off directly into the river. Climb up and move into the grass behind | | him to kill the guy who sometimes sits against the wall. | | | | Now you can climb up to below the car, don't get in yet there's too many | | living enemies to do that. Instead wait for the heavily armoured guy to | | get near so you can pull him off the edge. Climb up and get onto the | | building to take out the sniper up there. Drop back down and hide on the | | inside of the open window in the house facing two more enemies. Quickly | | take out the guy walking around and then climb up to take out the turret | | guy. Run and jump over to the final guy across the river to take him out | | too. Now it's safe to get into Elena's car and drive it along the river | | out of here. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o After the drop keep heading straight, after gawping at a massive elevator continue forwards into the river, follow the river up to an area with a few waterfalls. On the left you can get out of the water on the other side of the broken bridge. Along the road and off into the river again, take a left at the large waterfall and keep going that way hugging the side until you reach a path again. Drive down to the second elevator and park the car near the gap in the brick wall along the left side. Journal Entry 22/25 - Connect the gears? Look up at the disconnected waterwheel. Take the winch and jump the gap down to the left, wrap it around the single pole and then watch as Elena tears it down. Climb up the remains into the room above. Treasure 86/109 - Jade Serving Bowl Go out the door on the left side to a balcony to find the treasure. To start climbing in here you've first got to move the rolling create into position beneath the beams on the right side. Climb out the window up there, up the bricks and onto a pole. Jump over to a piton wall, round the corner and back in through a window. Go to the opposite end and look down at Elena, wait for her to stop the waterwheel so you can jump on and climb up it, shimmy jump to the right and continue shimmying along the beam to go push the gears into position. Quickly jump across the gap and up over to grab onto the side of the elevator. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Elevator Up | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stay where you are to shoot the first guys up on the left, you should be | | able to headshot them without getting shot too much. After taking out the | | other three across the way climb up and jump across to the platform. A | | few guys will appear in front of you but most will be behind where you | | were. Climb up so you can attach a rope onto the bottom of the elevator | | and swing across, more guys will appear up behind you so quickly jump | | onto the ledges to get behind it as cover. At the top pop out around the | | corner to shoot them. Make sure to take out the guy with the rocket | | launcher before trying to advance further. | | | | After jumping across towards the main encampment of enemies take cover | | behind the wooden crates and take out a couple before running to the | | right and taking cover behind the bits of dry land as they're much more | | solid. Keep popping out shooting the advancing enemies, especially an | | armoured one with a shotgun that'll be walking towards you. Once your | | side is done don't bother trying to shoot at the enemies that Elena is | | shooting at, instead just use a rope swing to get across to some ledges | | to the right of the elevator, climb around and up. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Treasure 87/109 - Ancient Stone Bowl Don't get in the car right away, instead continue straight past it through some bushes to find the treasure in amongst some junk. Drive along the path leading back into the river, drop down towards the camp and then to the left up a steep slope. At the next busted bridge drive down the path to the left into some rapids. Drive straight across and get as far up on this side as you can before doubling back across the rapids and under the bridge to a little calmer waters. Drive up to the dam and get out by the platforms in front of it. From there you can rope swing to the left, landing on the other side of that busted bridge. At the top of the steps open up the gate using the wheel, then shimmy across the gates to reach a second wheel. Get back in the car after opening the second gate to drive through. Go up the slope on the right and keep going to the right, to get up the muddy slope you need to drive on the large rocks as you have done before. You need to get up here so you have enough of a run up to jump the gap in the next broken bridge. Swing back across the river, before you head to the elevator you should see a little ladder. Journal Note 14/23 - June 5 1718 Inside the elevator keeper person's house. Treasure 88/109 - Pewter Incense Burner Jump out the window. Get back in the car and drive the short distance left to the elevator. Treasure 89/109 - 18th Century Combination Lock Climb up the back of the waterwheel building to get the treasure off the mechanism in the top. Nothing to do here so go over to where Elena is looking up at the elevator, then help open the door. Pull the lever to get moving. Conversation 29/36 As you ride up the elevator. Conversation 30/36 After the previous conversation, still on the elevator. Open the door at the top and get back in the car. Just follow the brick road to the end, you'll reach some mud to then drop onto the long bridge. Of course it'll collapse so at the edge of the waterfall quickly rope swing over to Elena. [Cinematic] Journal Entry 23/25 - What pirate bridges are made of Keep along the right side of the river bank and you'll get another look at the bridge. Climb up the ledges and down into some shallow water, go through the little crouch tunnel on the left now to look out at the running water. Turn around and climb up the platforms behind you so you can jump across over the water. Journal Note 15/23 - August 1 1718 Go around the corner at the right end, you'll see some ledges ahead next to a crouch tunnel. Climb up there to find a body with this note in his bag. Jump to the platform across from you and start shimmying along the ledge in the cliff wall here, climb up as you reach the cave. Up some more ledges and out the other side over a log. Take a look at the guy in the gibbet. Walk ahead a little, jump and grab onto the beam that's pointing towards a second one, jump onto that second one to climb it. Jump off and make your way around the right towards the end of the bridge you broke and the start of the next chapter. ,--------, ,-----------------------, ,--------, | [021900] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 18: New Devon |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [021900] | '--------' '-----------------------' '--------' * 8 Treasures * 2 Journal Entries * 6 Journal Notes * 5 Conversations Conversation 31/36 Walk towards the main gate and Elena will run up to a sign on the left, she'll read it and then want to talk. Conversation 32/36 Approach the front gate and Elena will read the words above it, she'll want to chat again. Treasure 90/109 - Mughal Stout Vase Found over in the left corner of the area. Climb up the base of the statue in the middle of the area, and from there to a gibbet. Treasure 91/109 - Small Mughal Dagger Jump along the tops of these to the right, at the end climb down onto the hanging gibbet to grab the treasure from it. Go back along the tops towards the front gate, swing off the pole to the last one from which you can reach the standing ledge on the wall. Sidewalk to the right end so you can jump and grab the gibbet above, climbing to the top. [Cinematic] Jump down into the waters below. Treasure 92/109 - Mughal Candle Holder Swim to the left, climb out onto the land and you can find the treasure in the corner next to an arch in the wall. On your right is a small wall you can hop over to get into the ruined building, inside climb up onto the platform on the right then up the ledges to the roof. Jump from the beam sticking out through the doorway into a quick crouching section. Go forwards and to the right into a bedroom. Journal Note 16/23 - September 6 1718 On the bed in here. Outside the bedroom door jump up onto the collapsed floor then immediately up again to the intact floor above. Jump out the door to land in some convenient tall grass. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Water Features | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | There are no trophies guiding your hand this time (other than perhaps the | | accuracy one) so it's up to you whether you stealth or shoot, shooting | | will bring in some extra enemies from the back. You can use the water to | | dive down and hide out of sight on approach but don't forget to breathe. | | The tricky part of stealthing is going to be getting across to the | | enemies at the back, the only ways over are in plain sight so you really | | have to time your jump over there well. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Once cleared go into the cave behind the bridge at the back, climb up the first platform and then walk into the rather still water. Go forwards and dive down heading left through a gap, resurface on the other side and climb out to the right. Go through a little crouch section, up a platform and then onto a pole swing that leads out of the cave. After looking at the trucks outside Avery's mansion in the distance jump down onto the land on the right side of the river. Journal Note 17/23 - Founder Want Next to a hanging body. Conversation 33/36 After looking at the note next to the hanging body. Now jump into the river aiming to grab onto the shore on the other side. Head down the end to the left where you can see a rope point. Treasure 93/109 - Mughal Circular Box Right next to the waterfall. Now hook onto that rope point and jump into the water, then pull yourself up the rope and grab onto the ledge beneath it. Piton up to the top then push the rolling crate off the edge into the raging waters below. Follow it in and swim down the river, get out on the right side at the end where Elena is waiting. Pull the crate out of the water with your rope to position it beneath the ledge, follow Elena up onto the roof. Conversation 34/36 In the water after sliding through the house. On the left side of the water when facing the gate is a house, swim towards the open windows behind the statues. Treasure 94/109 - Mughal Headdress Under water to the left of the open windows. Go in through those open windows, along the corridor to the left and out of the water. Climb up the exposed beams in the wall then leave the bedroom. Treasure 95/109 - Spanish Brass Chalice Take a right out of the bedroom, you'll find the treasure behind a sofa here. Journal Entry 24/25 - Mughal Vase A large vase at the opposite end of the room to the treasure. Journal Note 18/23 - September 9 1718 On a desk in the next room. To the left of the desk is a large fireplace that you can crouch through, jump down and then out the windows into the water again. Swim over to the steps in front of the next house, climb out and pass by the cannons to get in through a broken window on the left. Take a right to end up in a water room. What you need to do here is go along the left side of the water so that you are far enough along that you can jump into the water and grab hold of the edge just past the wall where you came in. Try to jump off the end of the beam that moves, once you fail swim back and Elena will now kindly weigh it down for you. Jump again and make your way to the furthest beam sticking out over the water. This time you want to aim towards the exposed beams in the wall on the other side of the water. Grab on and shimmy around to the other side so you can climb up top. Walk down the other end to push a bookshelf off for Elena. Join her in moving another in front of the doorway. Go down the corridor and through the big double doors. [Cinematic] Journal Note 19/23 - On behalf of Lord Avery At the near end of the table. Journal Entry 25/25 - Honor Among Thieves Take a look at the table. Journal Note 20/23 - May God forgive me In the fireplace in the next room. Leave up the log then up the steps, jump to the ledges to up and around to the top. Treasure 96/109 - Mughal Painted Elephant Go past the open wall and continue around the outside of Avery's mansion to some cannons. The treasure is on the wall. Go in the broken wall, up the platforms at the back and into an ostentatious room. Conversation 35/36 Wait a moment and Elena will chat. Drop through the hole in the left side of the room (the right side just drops back where you've been) to reach a room filled with waist high boxes. Pick up some ammo then go up the stairs, go to the right and try to burst through the slightly open but blocked door. Oh no, enemies! o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Avery's House | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Your most pressing concern is going to the the heavily armoured enemy | | approaching (grenades are quite handy). After killing him and most of the | | enemies approaching go to the right and hide behind the fallen piece of | | floor to get into a decent position for taking a break for a moment. The | | better position to be in is through the door to your right now, you can | | hide behind metal crates in there that is permanent cover and has no way | | of enemies getting behind you without you seeing. Of course you've still | | got grenades being thrown in to worry about. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Once all are dead continue your bashing of the door. Journal Note 21/23 - My loyal subjects Take the note from Elena after she reads it. Treasure 97/109 - Mughal Dinnerware Go up the spiral staircase on the right side of the room, the treasure is on a desk up top. Go back down the stairs and over to the circular section of the room with a desk in the middle, on the floor next to it you'll find something to investigate. Look at the suit of armour next, that'll get Elena to open the stairs to go down, through a gate, and out of the chapter. ,--------, ,-----------------------------, ,--------, | [022000] |~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 19: Avery's Descent |~-~-~-~-~-~| [022000] | '--------' '-----------------------------' '--------' * 2 Treasures Straight on down the steps and across the room, in the next one you get introduced to a silly shaking the controller to restore light mechanic. Once you've shaken the light back on go down the left passageway all the way to a room with loads of square bits of floor. Solving this one is easy, just follow the muddy footprints. In the room after that try to go down the left passageway, investigate the footprints next to it and then the rubble itself. Didn't work so time to look around the room, you can't actually get out the hole in the ceiling just yet you have to first have your torch go out completely and have Elena give you one made of fire. Now you can approach the hole in the ceiling by the pillar with a ramp next to it, look up to boost Elena up first. Crouching up here you straight ahead then to the left before dropping down a hole. You can light a fire in here if you want, go down the left passageway past another lightable fire as you head off to the right and spot your first mummies. There is no trick to not setting off the mummies, they will explode when you try to go past them. What you have to do is dodge backwards out of range of the explosions. Walk a bit further forwards until you set off the next batch and roll backwards to avoid getting killed. For the next set you climb over a pillar and then have to roll forwards this time. Take a left down a slope then up the platforms on the right and into another crazy room. At the heart room go down the right passageway, you'll drop into a little bit of water and spot some more mummies ahead. To avoid these ones you need to roll left and then roll right when you can as they set off one side at a time. Slide down the slope jumping forwards at the end to avoid the ones right at the bottom and then back towards the slope to avoid the others. Treasure 98/109 - Ancient Stone Vessel Next to a mummy you can investigate go down the steps into a dead end, the treasure is at the bottom of the steps. Climb back up the large steps to leave the room going left, you'll see a blue light ahead from a flare. Jump down and follow the footprints to the left, keep on going until you drop down into a combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ambush | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Run forwards into cover to avoid the grenade that gets thrown at you and | | start shooting at the enemies ahead, watch out for the slowly approaching | | armoured guys carrying shotguns. I'd recommend taking one of their | | shotguns to help. Once you've cleared out this room approach the exit and | | then take cover as a few more enemies arrive. Once it gets quiet again go | | around the corner, approach the cover and then immediately roll back to | | avoid the mummy explosion. | | | | Trigger the next set of enemies by looking around the corner again then | | double back the way you came when you see them throw the flares, you'll | | meet a shotgun enemy coming from the right that would otherwise sneak up | | behind you. A few of the other enemies should follow you up here so take | | cover and kill them as they pop up, then go back to the mummy corner and | | finish off the guys still waiting there. Once they're dead refill your | | ammo before you drop down the hole at the back. | | | | Down here you'll get immediately attacked by a shotgun and then a minigun | | guy further down, the shotgun guy should be okay if you shoot directly at | | his head for a few seconds. If you find yourself down here low on ammo on | | a higher difficult and without any way at all the defend yourself you'll | | probably have to use the Restart Encounter option and get better prepared | | for the next time. Once the shotgun guy is dead hide behind the crate and | | wait for the minigun guy to slowly approach. As long as the other cover | | is still intact you should be safe long enough for him to trigger the | | mummies and kill himself. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Jump down the hole that has appeared, behind you through the root cloaked doorway are some steps to go up into an old battle zone, open the door at the end to get a key and a note (a non-optional one). On the back of the note are some pictures that show you how you would solve that floor squares puzzle. Through the door you'll find a load of mummies, to avoid these ones you need to dodge into the dead end in the back left, but not too far otherwise the mummy at the back will kill you. Be careful when you come back out as they're still not done exploding. Once they have done go down the right passage just to the corner then quickly roll backwards to avoid another batch. Continue past some duds down a drop then quickly jump over the pillar and roll to the left to avoid these last mummies for the moment. Drop through the hole on the left to reach a mermaid statue with a skull. Treasure 99/109 - Mughal Decorative Cudgel If you take the left path you can find the treasure around the corner on a barrel. Go back and take the right path now, down some steps and into a square floor puzzle room. Without any footprints you're supposed to use the note to guide you but here's the safe spots and the path you can take: o-----------------------o | X | X | X | X | X | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | X | | X | | | X = Death |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | X | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | X | | X | X | X | X | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | X | | | X | | X | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | X | X | | X | o-----------------------o So it's starting at the second from the left, straight forwards four squares, right three squares, left one, right one, then left all the way off. Through the archway hop over the rock, you'll drop the flare as you continue forwards along the tunnel towards daylight. Unlock the door. Swing over to grab the sword, it'll take a few swings to reach it, and then cut yourself down. Once you're able to start running towards the camera jumping over the wooden pillars. Keep running and jumping to the end and you should be fine. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,-----------------------, ,--------, | [022100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 20: No Escape |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [022100] | '--------' '-----------------------' '--------' * 5 Treasures * 1 Journal Note Forwards up the platform ahead then up onto the ledge, shimmy around to the left, climb up the handholds and then up again to the left. At the top you'll get a good sighting of the ship graveyard. Go to the right and jump down to the platform below. Climb up onto the platform on the right here. Treasure 100/109 - Jade Flower Pendant Don't rope swing just yet, instead tun around and you should be able to see a piton wall on the platform behind you. Jump across to it and up on top to get the treasure. Jump back down and rope swing across to the left. Keep going up to the left and you'll find a pole to swing on, which will start a combat encounter. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ship Graveyard | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | No sneaking on this one, jump down to the left and start shooting the | | enemies. I'd recommend clearing out the ones down to the left first then | | jumping down there to begin moving forwards. Take out the snipers at the | | back and some more enemies will start to join in from the back right, two | | of them carrying the miniguns so you'll want to take them down as early | | as you can. Plenty of grenades littered around the place to pick up but | | what you'll really want is to grab one of the miniguns to help wipe out | | the other and all the other enemies that are streaming in. Eventually you | | can move on towards where those enemies were coming from. If you've still | | got ammo for it take the DShK in with you. | | | | As soon as you've triggered the enemies back up so that the ones running | | towards you have to come around the corner, it'll help avoid getting | | knock off your feet by grenades too. Once they've stopped go up to the | | cover and finish off the enemies in the distance. After that you've got a | | break up until you open the blockage at the far end. Immediately you've | | got to shoot a few enemies and take cover to shoot some more just around | | the corner, a couple with shotguns. Once those are down go through the | | gap behind them jumping over a short rock. | | | | You have a moment of stealth before the enemies will spot you so line up | | a headshot if you can, you certainly won't be able to sneak close enough | | to take anyone out without being noticed. After clearing this small area | | climb the ladder that Sam drops down for you. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Reunion | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Your first priority is going to be the enemy with the rocket launcher up | | on the left, once he's gone you can move forwards and start shooting the | | others. Make your way up to where the rocket man was and start shooting | | the enemies on the ship to the left, there's another couple of rocketeers | | on there on the right side and upper left. A single enemy will appear | | beneath you so watch out for him sneaking up on you. | | | | After swinging across to the other ship yet more enemies will spill in | | from the far end. Take cover and then shoot the enemies on the ground, | | save the grenades for an approaching minigun. Again grab the minigun to | | finish off any other enemies but drop it as soon as the last one dies as | | you're going to have to run from a turret on a truck that appears above | | you. Wait for Sam and Elena to get up before jumping up to grab on. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Run forwards over a cannon, swim up to the surface inside the boat then down and through a smashed up doorway below to resurface on the other side. Swim through the cave and out of the water straight into another load of enemies on the beach. o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Showdown | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Keep killing the enemies on the beach and another truck will arrive with | | a turret on, stay in cover behind a metal crate as you finish off the | | enemies around you. The truck will move up and some more enemies will | | drop in, a grenade or two inbetween them will take out the most dangerous | | of them including one with an RPG. Once they're all dead you'll have to | | grab that RPG without getting killed by the truck, then shoot the truck. | | One shot will do. | | | | After destroying the truck go through the building it crashed into to | | trigger another one. Quickly run around the wall and start climbing the | | other side, you'll get smashed away and have to start running towards the | | camera Crash Bandicoot style. You'll reach some steps on the left to go | | up next to a tower to climb up. Jump a gap then rope swing and pole swing | | over a doorway and you're back running towards the camera going over a | | fence and then around the corner heading right. One more fence and you're | | done, grab the RPG and blow up the truck with two shots. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Jump up to Sully's hand. [Cinematic] Jump down the drop and start heading through the town. Treasure 101/109 - Stoneware Bearded Jug At the bottom of the steps through the first arch go around to the left and inside the building to find the treasure. Wander along with the rest of the group up next to a row of cannons to get a sight of Sully's plane in the distance. Cross partway across the water using the snapped bridge. Treasure 102/109 - Stout Jade Vase To the right of the snapped bridge is a wooden building with stilts over the water, if you climb up the inside of that building you can find the treasure on a table. Drop back out and continue along the water up some steps next to a large wagon, go to the back of it and start pushing it into position. Up the wagon you go, up a very short ladder and then the brick wall. Inside the barn you can get out via some wooden ledges on the other side, climb them straight through an open window. At the edge shoot your rope at the bottom of the moveable platform and eventually Sam will work out that you need to push the nearby beam over the edge. After pushing it out jump on and across the gap. Hook onto the platform and start pulling it across once the group get on. Once it's just Sam on there stay attached to your rope and jump so you can start pulling yourself up towards him. Get onto the bar on the bottom and swing towards his hand, then up and to the left. [Cinematic] Follow Sully and Elena through the arch ahead. Journal Note 22/23 - January 24 1718 Enter the second building on the right, the note is on a table on the ground floor. Treasure 103/109 - Painted Spouted Vase Go upstairs, the treasure is on the dresser. Treasure 104/109 - Mughal Perfume Bottle Through a smashed corner of a building opposite the one you're in, near the statue. Take a look at the cart and start pushing it towards the wall. [Cinematic] ,--------, ,------------------------------, ,--------, | [022200] |~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 21: Brother's Keeper |~-~-~-~-~-~| [022200] | '--------' '------------------------------' '--------' * 4 Treasures * 1 Journal Note Straight on up the platforms directly ahead, it'll lead to some ledges to climb and then a jump over a gap to the left to continue on. You'll spot some footprints on the ground here. Treasure 105/109 - Mughal Enamel Bird Attach to the rope point but do not swing across, instead turn around and start swinging back the way you came to land on a platform above where you jumped from. Now you can swing across the rope through a little crouching part. Make your way up the platforms to the left and then up the ledges to the top where there's a path. More footprints and a rope swing, this one you want to swing to the left to grab the ledges up high. If you climb up the top of the platform you reach you'll see another rope point, this one's a simple jump to the platforms and ledges you can see ahead. Pass by some more footprints, climb up, around, and then drop down before leaping across to grab onto the ledge of a crouch cave. Around the other side go up the ledges to the top and across to a campfire. Journal Note 23/23 - April 14 1808 Next to a dead body by the campfire. Another rope swing to the left now, follow the footprints leading into some caves. Jump across the broken bridge, through the dark caves beyond and down a slope. Grab the ledges at the bottom, climb up and onto another bridge which fares even worse. Sliding down attach yourself to a rope point and immediately grab some ledges. Shimmy left then drop down to the cave entrance beneath. Crouch in and then up and over to a watery cave area with some piton rocks up to the left. Treasure 106/109 - Stone Vase You'll find the treasure in a crate on the far side. Climb up the piton rocks and across to a larger section of them. Go to the right onto some handholds and then further right onto another bit of piton rock, make sure to get as far as you can with that jump so you can reach the next handholds, from which you jump to more piton rock. Directly from there you rope swing down to the left jumping and rope swinging again hooking onto the beam as you fall. You'll go down a slope and onto some ledges. Attach to the rope point around the corner and jump off the edge. Stay attached! Treasure 107/109 - Strange Fruit Rappel down the rope and start swinging towards a tiny white ledge in the arch rather than towards the piton wall below. You will be able to swing to the ledge, grabbing just beneath it. In the small cave here is the third "Strange Relic" for the trophy. Careful as you exit the other end of the cave, you don't grab onto the edge here so you will need to jump forwards and piton the wall. Drop down if you somehow grab on high up and grab on again nearer the bottom. Going to the right along the handholds make your way up to the top to a rather long jump across to another platform. Around the corner jump down the slope, make sure to curve to the left and you'll need to jump over a gap partway down just around the first bend. Immediately start moving to the right to make a second jump, then quickly a third. As you fall off the bottom rope onto the beam above to slow your fall into the water. Swim towards the waterfalls. Treasure 108/109 - Rajasthan Box Get out onto the land to the right behind the waterfalls, the treasure's in the cave at the back. The way out of this cave is to the left of the land you climbed out onto, swim through and to the right down through a gap. [Cinematic] Dive down to the left through the gap in the docks and then further left to get out from underneath it entirely. ,--------, ,---------------------------, ,--------, | [022300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 22: A Thief's End |~-~-~-~-~-~-| [022300] | '--------' '---------------------------' '--------' * 1 Treasure Treasure 109/109 - Mughal Egg Pendant In the water directly ahead of you you should be able to see a large rock that's a bit brighter than the rest, if you swim over to it and swim down underneath it you can find the final treasure. Resurface and swim towards the ship, climbing through the large hole in the side at the front. Climb up through the busted hatch then left through the open door out onto the deck, on the left is a hole to drop down into. Walk through the treasure to a door at the far end. [Cinematic] o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Duel | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This fight with Rafe has a Trophy attached to it, "Swordmaster," which | | wants you to perfectly parry him. You can make this easier on yourself by | | making good use of the Restart Checkpoint option. There are several | | checkpoints through the fight and as long as you reset each time you get | | even slightly injured it'll just be a matter of remembering which way to | | press for each movement he makes. | | | | At the start of the fight just concentrate on avoiding his swipes. The | | jabs and the ones from above his shoulder are blockable with either | | direction. Once he's done with his chatter it'll move on to a quick rapid | | tap of triangle to avoid getting your throat cut and then you'll grab a | | sword to start the fight for real. Same movements as before but after | | successfully parrying three or four swipes you should attack him back | | three times. There'll be a few struggles in there and the spin attack | | requires a right defense but that's about it for this part of the fight, | | just keep attacking one more than seems safe and it'll be over quicker. | | | | Once on your back you've gotta defend yourself in the same manner to | | finish the fight. | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o [Cinematic] Swim out the cave entrance to complete the chapter. [2 Cinematics] ,--------, ,----------, ,--------, | [022400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Epilogue |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [022400] | '--------' '----------' '--------' * 1 Conversation Now this time you can earn the "Best Score!" trophy as there's an extra life where there wasn't before. So as long as you make it through without dying you'll beat Elena's 3500 highscore (which means Nate never did). There's plenty to do and see around the house but for the collectible we head straight out the front door. Conversation 36/36 Follow Vicky onto the docks and pet her to get the final conversation icon. To complete the Epilogue go into the other building and look at a magazine on the table at the back. With the key you can unlock the wardrobe next to you and investigate all the pieces you may have looked at in the attic earlier, the only one you need to look at though is the skull. After moving it look at the book behind it, flip through the pages and look at the polaroid and then a final photograph to end the game. [Cinematic] You can skip the credits by selecting the Quit to Main Menu option, you'll be given your difficulty level trophies as soon as it loads up. (If it doesn't pop check the Chapter Select option to see whether the game has recognised that you've finished all the levels on that difficulty, sometimes it doesn't seem to register. If you need to do that then you'll have to go through the Epilogue again to get the credits before the trophy will pop.) ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[030000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-TREASURES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[030000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' There are 109 of the Treasures to find in the game, like the previous games they are simply a flashing dot hidden somewhere and can be found in most chapters (almost never during a combat encounter though). You can see how many treasures you've found in a particular chapter by looking at the Chapter Select menu, and you can see which specific treasures you've found by looking at the Treasures menu. They are ordered in the same order that you'll find them in the game (with the exception of the last five in Chapter 14, for some reason their order is all switched around), so you should be able to narrow down exactly which treasures you are missing and whereabouts in the levels they are. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [030100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 2 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030100] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 001 - Panamanian Cat Pendant Down the well where you grab your equipment. 002 - Navaja Folding Knife Inside the tower down as you first get inside. 003 - Antique Padlock Underneath a log lying across two rocks, not too far before the thicker diagonal one. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [030200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 3 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030200] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 004 - Chiriqui Shark Trinket In the caves before you find the first piece of metal. 005 - Antique Pocketwatch On a rock shelf to the far right of the wreckage. 006 - Antique Arcade Token On a shelf on the crane platform when you get on the boat. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [030300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 6 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030300] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 007 - Mughal Water Container Near the end of the grassy area at the start, at the left end of the cliff edge. 008 - Nephrite Brass Cup On a window ledge in the lemon garden area, behind a lemon tree. 009 - Viking Cloak Clasp On the desk where Sully was waiting. 010 - Mother of Pearl Horn On the balcony near Sam as you first enter. 011 - Persian Bronze Bowl Behind some crates by some collapsed circular tables when you go into the downstairs area. 012 - Brass Barber's Bowl At the bottom of the stairs in the storage area, just below where you see armed goons. 013 - Syrian Vase On a roof opposite where you exit the vents, jump over the side and make your way up a ladder and pipes to reach it. 014 - Persian Candlestick After climbing a ladder with Sam climb up the plus shaped windows ahead and onto the roof, jump across to a covered balcony with this next to a pillar. 015 - Mughal Dagger Right after the poles where you can drop from a higher one to a lower one cling off the side of where you land instead of climbing up to the next pole and you'll find this on a handhold to the right. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [030400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 8 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030400] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 016 - Redware and Silver Jug Flask At the start in a gap along the left side. 017 - Bronze Boar In a cave along the edge at the start. 018 - Carved Wood Kashkul On the edge of the cliff at the small monks' living quarters, next to a large blue crate. 019 - Carved Nut Bottle Immediately after climbing up the moveable crate where you get some dynamite chuck some of that dynamite into a crouch cave to blow up some crates and crouch on in. 020 - Traveling Inkwell with Seal In a room on the edge of the cliffs by the pillars on the sliding slopes, just after a pole swing jump. 021 - Carved Ivory Vanitas Climb up side of door you lift up before going into the graveyard area. 022 - Scottish Ha'penny In a side room next to the three crosses in the crypt, crouch to get in. 023 - Slipjoint Clasp Knife In a cave with a flintlock below where you see a three man patrol after the graveyard area. 024 - Pewter Singing Bird Box In a cave opposite the boost up ladder climb by the previously mentioned patrol, on a barrel. 025 - Tortoise Shell Snuff Box After Sam helps you up after he breaks a wooden bridge go back down the way he came up to find this on a platform where the bridge was. 026 - Persian Tailoring Scissors Underneath a small wooden staircase and platform just after the extra careful planks. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [030500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 9 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030500] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 027 - Lantern Mounted Flintlock In a cave facing the bridge at the start. 028 - Strange Pendant After the bucket puzzle room jump over a gap and then off to the right where you can rope swing down to a platform below. 029 - Amatory Box In front of where Sam pushes a crate off the platform roll off the edge and climb down some handholds. 030 - Pewter Box After the eavesdropping in a sideroom, crouch under a fallen statue. 031 - Memento Mori Skull Watch After the movable crate, drop off the edge by the broken bridge and climb down a short distance to the treasure on the side. 032 - Scottish Tipstaff Where you rope across using a crate, in amongst the other crates and stuff behind it. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [030600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 10 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030600] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 033 - Sawasa Ware Tobacco Box On a broken pulley on a small ruined building right near the start of the driving section. 034 - Eroded Flintlock Pistol In a cave behind a waterfall when you reach the river area. 035 - Mughal Ivory Powder Flash On the top level of the Christopher Condent tower. 036 - Parchment Scroll On a box in some ruins after you sight the volcano, down a muddy slope. 037 - Ancient Fertility Idol On a box in a cave area reached by jumping over a large rock, on a curve in the road by a cairn and two large puddles. Just before you see people. 038 - Pocket Celestial Map On a window ledge of some ruins right after the bridge you break. 039 - English Ale Bottle Inside a building to the left as you see Shoreline trucks. Use the car to get on top and blow up some barrels on the roof to get in. 040 - Pewter Letter Cylinder Down a well on the far right side of the area you see the Shoreline trucks. Needs the winch to reach. 041 - Mughal Box On a barrel in some ruins near the lefthand Shoreline patrolled ruins, take a path behind a tree to get there. 042 - English Musket Bandolier Down a pit in the righthand Shoreline patrolled ruins, blow up some barrels to get in. 043 - Antique Tea Tin Inside the explosive door of the ruins Shoreline is patrolling to the left side. 044 - Scottish Two Pence Coin On top of the signal tower. 045 - Scottish Snuff Mull On some crates next to the door you and Sam shoulder charge open at the main tower. 046 - Brass and Ivory Tankard On a crate on the left side of the room with the spiral staircase, right on the wall. 047 - Muff Pistol Inside a crate on the right side of the room with the spiral staircase, shoot it. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [030700] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 11 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030700] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 048 - Earthenware Mug Down some steps on the left side of the market, around the corner by a dumpster. 049 - "Antique" Compass Haggle with a stall owner along the righthand site of the market. 050 - Nephrite and Jade Bowl Inside the tower, on the ground floor at the base of a statue on the wall in a section opposite where you enter. 051 - Ivory Handle Dagger On a balcony next to some beams above the bell at the top of the tower. 052 - Brass Globe Hand Warmer In the rubble after you ring the top bell. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [030800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 12 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030800] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 053 - Combination Lock Tobacco Box In a broken barrel in a jungle area on a large beach next to the cove the arrows are pointing at. 054 - Brass Pocket Sundial In the cabin of a shipwreck, dive down to find it. 055 - Silver and Wood Tankard Under a large rock on the beach where you see the lookout tower, on the opposite side of the island to where the arrow appears. 056 - Persian Silver Pen Box In a cave on the beach where you see the lookout tower, on the opposite side of the island to where the arrow appears. 057 - Panamanian Pendant At the back of the island with the lookout tower, on a small beach - just across from the third arrow. Behind some rocks so you can't see the treasure from the water. 058 - Persian Leather Notebook Case On the back of the island with the second arrow, use the boat to climb up onto the cliffs. 059 - Deccani Bronze Spouted Bowl On some natural stone steps on the right side of the area by the entrance to the most elaborate place yet. 060 - Mughal Elephant Carving In a cave with an arched entrance on the jump after the rope bridge collapse. 061 - Ottoman Helmet Inside the bottom of a tower on the cliffs, just before the mud slopes. 062 - Deccani Bronze Vase On the rope swing at the top of the tower land on the bit before the mud and then shimmy along a ledge to the left. 063 - Strange Relic After sliding down the mud go to the left, climb the cliffs and then jump and use a tree branch for your rope swing to get across to a stone basin thing.. 064 - Hamsa Mythical Goose On the lower of the two rope swing points in the cistern climb back up the rope and swing towards the statue holding you up, it's next to it in the nook. 065 - Pique Tortoise Shell Box On a grassy island in the water between the supply and planning rooms, swim around the back. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [030900] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 13 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [030900] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 066 - Persian Ring On the cliffside handholds when you start climbing through multiple small waterfalls (after the rain has stopped), go to the far right end rather than climbing up onto the top. 067 - Wood Tankard After seeing the boats, instead of rope swinging all the way across the large waterfall just swing down to some ledges directly below, the treasure is next to some bottles in the cave. 068 - Spy Glass In a watery cave just after you find a skeleton with a message on the wall next to it. 069 - Dress Dirk In a forest cave next to the corpse of the first mate, after the combat area. 070 - Frechen Bearded Bottle In the basement of the building you can drop into during a crouching section, just before the end of it. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031000] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 14 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031000] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 071 - Carved Horn Bird Sculpture At the very start before you jump down jump up through a window to the right, it's on a cart. 072 - Mughal Vase In the back room of the house to the left when you see Avery's statue. 073 - Ancient Stone Pot In a cell in the pirate jail. 074 - Painted Copper Bottle In the tunnels, after climbing the ladder (you can see it earlier on). 075 - Stout Vase (Should be listed after Large Bronze Bear) Upstairs on a desk in the zoning committee building. 076 - Slipjoint Claspknife (Should be listed after Mughal Jade Bottle) After rope swinging off the top of a tower after the second combat area jump down and rope swing around the other side of the building you landed by, it's on a crate inside. 077 - Large Bronze Boar (Correctly after Slipjoint Claspknife) After climbing through a marble window perform one rope swing and then shimmy to the left instead of doing a second. 078 - Mughal Serving Vase (Should be listed after Stout Vase) On a fallen down chair along the right side of the battle area. 079 - Mughal Jade Bottle (Should be listed after Painted Copper Bottle) In the room with the note where you exit the first combat area climb the inside wall before making the large jump, it is on a tiny corner with crates on. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 15 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031100] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 080 - Emerald Flask Underneath a toppled shelf in the near left corner of the treasure room. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 16 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031200] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 081 - Toy Soldier On a wooden bench in the grounds, near the larger fountain. 082 - Toy Seaplane After entering the sarcophagi room go up some stairs. 083 - Pirate Snowglobe When climbing the bookshelf do a backwards jump from the ledge above onto the area at the top of the spiral staircase. On the sofa. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 17 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031300] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 084 - Mughal Flared Vase After climbing the first ladder, on the edge. 085 - Mughal Hinged Box When you rejoin Elena after the first elevator go down to the other side of the broken bridge you slid off. On a crate. 086 - Jade Serving Bowl On a balcony after pulling down part of a building at the second elevator, near a moveable crate. 087 - Ancient Stone Bowl After the combat encounter at the second elevator go through the bushes beyond the car and you'll find this next to some junk. 088 - Pewter Incense Burner Through a window in the elevator keeper person's house. 089 - 18th Century Combination Lock Up on the waterwheel mechanism by the tallest elevator. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 18 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031400] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 090 - Mughal Stout Vase In the back left corner of the starting area on the ground. 091 - Small Mughal Dagger In one of the hanging cages along the right side, climb onto it from the middle of the starting area. 092 - Mughal Candle Holder Once you drop into the water go left, next to an archway on the land in the corner. 093 - Mughal Circular Box Next to a waterfall where you have to rope across to get up to a crate you push into the water, after the first combat area. 094 - Mughal Headdress Under water outside next to the open windows of the house you cut through. 095 - Spanish Brass Chalice Behind a sofa upstairs in the house you cut through after sliding into the water. 096 - Mughal Painted Elephant On the wall around the corner by the cannons at Avery's mansion. 097 - Mughal Dinnerware Up the spiral staircase in Avery's office, on a desk. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 19 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031500] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 098 - Ancient Stone Vessel After sliding down a slope into some flammable mummies go forwards down some large stone steps to a dead end. 099 - Mughal Decorative Cudgel On a barrel down the left path when you reach the mermaid statues. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 20 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031600] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 100 - Jade Flower Pendant Before you rope swing when you see the ship graveyard climb up onto a platform opposite it, jump across and use the piton to climb up to a higher platform. 101 - Stoneware Bearded Jug In a room underneath the first open door building after the combat area. 102 - Stout Jade Vase Just after seeing Sully's plane in the distance go down the river just go past a cracked in half wooden bridge and climb up from the water the inside of the next wooden building. 103 - Painted Spouted Vase Upstairs on a dresser in a building attached to the second and third stone arches when you get first split up. 104 - Mughal Perfume Bottle Through a broken corner of a building opposite the previous one. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031700] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 21 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031700] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 105 - Mughal Enamel Bird At the first rope swing swing back up to a platform above where you jumped from. 106 - Stone Vase In a box next to a wall where you start using the piton in the caves section. 107 - Strange Fruit On the rope swing where you see Avery's ship instead of jumping to the piton wall rappel further down the rope and swing to a small white ledge that is part of the archway. 108 - Rajasthan Box In the cave you splash down into, on land to the right of the exit. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [031800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 22 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [031800] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 190 - Mughal Egg Pendant In the water at the start, ahead of you on the right is a brighter rock under the water, swim underneath that. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[040000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~JOURNAL ENTRIES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[040000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' There are 25 optional Journal Entries to jot down, these are found by looking at specific locations where you see a journal prompt. As with the Treasures you can see how many you've found in each chapter with the Chapter Select. To check which specific ones you've found you can flip through the Journal in the main menu. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [040100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 8 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040100] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 01 - Dug up graves Over the wall behind you from the first grave are some open graves. 02 - Libra Talk to Sam after solving the three crosses light puzzle but before opening the door. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [040200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 9 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040200] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 03 - Those who prove worthy The gibbet at the start. 04 - Switch The switch to open the door next to the bucket puzzle after solving. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 10 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040300] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 05 - Christopher Condent At the first tower on the floor. 06 - Adam Baldridge Blow up the door at the first combat encounter using the detonator. 07 - Signal Tower The signal tower you drive up to. 08 - Anne Bonny In the tower at the drawbridge. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 12 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040400] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 09 - RIP A grave on a beach just around from a shipwreck, part of the second main island. 10 - Sunken Ship Stand and look at the shipwreck. 11 - Not a good way A skeleton on a post on the lookout tower island's beach. 12 - Cistern Before jumping into the cistern climb down as far as you can and look towards the middle. 13 - Diorama At the miniature town in one of the rooms at the bottom of the cistern. 14 - Avery Look up at Avery's statue before looking through the spyglass. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 13 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040500] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 15 - No Quarter A dead body in the caves after you rope swing across a large waterfall. 16 - This would suck Look up at a body dangling upside down on a rope above a dead body with a note, right after a watery cave you had to crouch through. You get the piton from the rope a minute later. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 14 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040600] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 17 - Horse bones A horse skeleton in the stables. 18 - Article Five A stone tablet just outside the stables. 19 - Nice Drawings Talk to Sam at the stocks outside the pirate jail. 20 - Symbol Look at a symbol on the back of Avery's statue. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040700] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 15 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040700] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 21 - Head A statue head on the floor near the headless statue at the back of the treasure room. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 17 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040800] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 22 - Connect the gears Look up at the gears and waterwheel at the second elevator. 23 - Pirate Bridges After ditching the car look at the broken bridge. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [040900] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 18 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [040900] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 24 - Mughal Vase Upstairs in the house you cut through after sliding into the water. 25 - Honor Among Thieves At the founders' dining table. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[050000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-JOURNAL NOTES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[050000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Journal Notes are different to Journal Entries, these are the pieces of paper you pick up at various points and jam into the journal. Most are found next to dead bodies but some you'll find on desks and in drawers. Same situation as with the Entries, you can see how many with the Chapter Select and which ones by going through the journal in the main menu. One thing to note is that Chapter 20 says it has 2 notes but the second note is actually found in Chapter 21 (which says it has none). ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [050100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 8 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050100] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 01 - A miracle By a pile of bones in the first room of the crypt. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [050200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 9 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050200] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 02 - Thomas Howard Next to a dead body beneath where you see the crumbled test. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 10 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050300] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 03 - Captain Harrison On a table in a cave behind the first waterfall. 04 - Signal fires In a well on the righthand side of the large area where you spot the Shoreline trucks, at the base of a wooden beam. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 12 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050400] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 05 - Jan 17 1808 In a cave on a beach just around from a shipwreck, part of the second main island. 06 - Jan 24 1808 In a satchel in amongst junk on a sandbank near a shipwreck. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 13 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050500] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 07 - March 20 1808 By a dead body after you exit a watery cave you had to crouch partway through. 08 - First Mate By a dead body at the base of the climb up to where you meet up with Sam after the combat area. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 14 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050600] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 09 - May 17 1715 Upstairs at the blacksmith. 10 - Franklin On the table after leaving the combat area. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050700] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 15 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050700] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 11 - Manifest In a random drawer or chest in the treasure room. 12 - Section D In a random drawer or chest in the treasure room. 13 - Section G In a random drawer or chest in the treasure room. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 17 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050800] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 14 - June 5 1718 In the elevator keeper person's house just before the large elevator. 15 - August 1 1718 Next to a dead body on a platform at the far end along the right side as you head up after ditching the car, near some crouching tunnels. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [050900] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 18 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [050900] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 16 - Sep 6 1718 On a bed in Christopher Condent's house just before the first combat area.. 17 - Founder Want On a table next to a hanging body after the cave after the first combat area. 18 - Sep 9 1718 On a table upstairs in the house you cut through after sliding into the water. 19 - On behalf At the end of the founders' dining table. 20 - May God forgive me In the room after the founders' table, in the fire. 21 - Loyal subjects Take it from Elena after bursting through the barricaded door in Avery's mansion. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [051000] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 20 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [051000] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 22 - Libertalia Journal On a table in a building after the platform you pull across, between the first and second arch. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [051100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 21 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [051100] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 23 - April 14 1808 By a dead body next to a campfire. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[060000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~OPTIONAL CONVERSATIONS~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[060000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' These conversations pop up at certain points, sometimes you have to wander a little out of the way or hang around somewhere for longer than you would otherwise. You'll hear a chime and see the Triangle prompt over the character's head to indicate you can talk to them. Other than the Chapter Select's counter there is no way to tell which specific conversations you have taken part in. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [060100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 3 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060100] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 01 - Salvage Worker Next to the crate when you get on the boat. 02 - Salvage Worker 2 On the crane platform. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [060200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 6 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060200] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 03 - Sam In the lemon garden talking about the small things missed. 04 - Sam After swinging across to an arch, talking about taking pictures of wonderful finds. 05 - Sam On the balcony after entering the party. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [060300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 8 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060300] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 06 - Sam After making a journal entry by the three crosses in the crypt. 07 - Sam After solving the light puzzle at the three crosses before opening the door. ,--------, ,-----------, ,--------, | [060400] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 9 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060400] | '--------' '-----------' '--------' 08 - Sam After the bucket puzzle look out off a cliff towards the crate Sam pushes off the edge, wait for Sam to walk to the edge here. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [060500] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 10 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060500] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 09 - Sam At the Signal Tower. 10 - Sully At the Signal Tower. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [060600] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 11 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060600] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 11 - Sully After interacting with the lemur at the market. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [060700] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 12 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060700] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 12 - Sam After you briefly get separated at the rope bridge that collapses. 13 - Sam After picking up a miniature statue in the staging room at the bottom of the cistern. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [060800] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 14 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060800] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 14 - Sam After dropping down at the start. 15 - Sam At a chair in the pub. 16 - Sam After examining horse skeleton. 17 - Sam After playing with a sword at the blacksmiths. 18 - Sam At the stocks outside the pirate jail. 19 - Sam At the battle area after inspecting a soldier's corpse. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [060900] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 15 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [060900] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 20 - Sam At the back left of the treasure room, inspect a dead guard first. 21 - Sam In the middle of the treasure room after looking at a few things, he finds a single coin. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [061000] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 16 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [061000] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 22 - Sam In a bedroom through a slightly cracked open door after leaving the attic. 23 - Sam Look at a Pyrate book in the conservatory area, the room past the gong. 24 - Sam Straight after the previous conversation. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [061100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 17 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [061100] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 25 - Elena After climbing the first ladder. 26 - Elena Next to a tree root going over the path. 27 - Elena Rejoin Elena after the elevator. 28 - Elena Immediately after the previous conversation. 29 - Elena During the final elevator ride. 30 - Elena Right after the previous conversation. ,--------, ,------------, ,--------, | [061200] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| Chapter 18 |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| [061200] | '--------' '------------' '--------' 31 - Elena Elena looks at a sign in the starting area. 32 - Elena Elena looks at the writing above the entrance gate in the starting area. 33 - Elena Look at a note next to a dangling dead body after the cave after the first combat area. 34 - Elena In the water you slide through a house into. 35 - Elena Inside Avery's mansion in the piano room. ,--------, ,----------, ,--------, | [061300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Epilogue |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [061300] | '--------' '----------' '--------' 36 - Vicky Talk to the dog on the dock when you head outside. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[070000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-TROPHIES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[070000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | ONE LAST TIME | PLATINUM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Collect All The Trophies | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are some multiplayer trophies but they are very basic and pretty easy to get so you'll only really need a single day of PlayStation Plus to get them. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - EXPLORER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in explorer mode | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The easiest difficulty setting of the game, you earn all the difficulty trophies below the setting you're if you're on Hard you'll get the Explorer, the Light, the Moderate, and the Hard trophies when you finish the story. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - LIGHT | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in light mode | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Slightly harder than Explorer but still pretty forgiving in battle. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - MODERATE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in moderate mode | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Enemies will start to kill you with fewer shots and will throw grenades at your hiding spots more. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - HARD | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in hard mode | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Even easier to die by enemy gunfire and there are more enemies. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - CRUSHING | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in crushing mode | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o And the most difficult setting of the game, the combat encounters are going to be really punishing. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARTED! - SPEEDRUN | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the game in 6 hours or less | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o When trying this make sure to skip every cutscene you come across as the timer keeps going during them, a lower difficulty setting will of course help you finish the combat encounters quicker and with fewer time wasting deaths. In my ~5h20m run I was at the start of Chapter 10 at about the 2 hour mark, Chapter 15 at around 3h30m and Chapter 20 by 4h40m. If you're behind on those times you've got some leeway but not much. Or you could do the simpler method found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/739573-uncharted-4-a-thiefs-end/73729821 o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST TREASURE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find a Treasure | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are 109 of these lying around, you're sure to find at least one without even having to look very hard. The very first one you can find in the game is in Chapter 2, down the well. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | TREASURE HUNTER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find 50 treasures | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o That's about half of the the treasures so you might get this on your first go through if you're looking around a lot. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | TREASURE MASTER | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find all Treasures | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o To get all 109 you really have to scour every chapter with treasures, luckily the Chapter Select will tell you how many are in each chapter and how many of them you have so it should give you some idea of where to look. They are ordered in the treasure list by the order that you would find them (with the exception of the last five in Chapter 14, they're out of order) so looking at that should help you narrow down your search locations. Or you can just refer to the Walkthrough or Treasures parts of the guide that specifically tell you where they all are. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | RELIC FINDER (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find the Strange Relics | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are three of these in this game, they are counted as part of the regular treasures too. 1. First one is in Chapter 9 pretty much straight after the bucket test. 2. Second is in Chapter 12 just before you go into the cistern. 3. And the third is in Chapter 21 where you swing high above a boat. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | JOT THIS DOWN | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find a Journal Entry | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Plenty of these through the game, the first one is in Chapter 8 looking at some dug up graves. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOST ART OF JOURNALING | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find all Journal Entries | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Check the Chapter Select menu to work out where you're missing the Journal Entries and then refer to the Journal Entries part of the guide to find them. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | TAKE A NOTE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find a Journal Note | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The notes and letters you find throughout the game. The first is in Chapter 8 in the crypt. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | LOST HISTORY | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Find All Journal Notes | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Again the Chapter Select will help you narrow down where you're missing the notes. Check the Journal Notes section of the guide for more specific locations. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | HEAD OF THE CLASS! | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 20 enemies with headshots | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You get a red star for a head shot rather than a red cross. Turn off the auto-aim if you have it on as that will aim for the chest rather than the head. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | YOU HAVE A HEAD FOR THIS BUSINESS | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 50 enemies with headshots | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Plenty of enemies throughout the game to get this with. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | HANGMAN'S BULLET | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Perform 20 headshots from the rope | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o This one you'll want to do on a lower difficulty setting as higher up you'll just get shredded dangling on a rope. There are rope points in nearly every combat encounter but in the Tower Collapse encounter you have a forced point where you are dangling on a rope with several enemies in range. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | STEALTH FIRST ASK QUESTIONS LATER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stealth take-down 5 enemies | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Should be able to get this very easily in Chapter 7 if you at all try to use stealth. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | SHH SLEEP NOW | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stealth take-down 30 enemies | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o A little more involved but unless you're going guns blazing through the entire game you might be able to manage this in a regular play through. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | I THOUGHT I HEARD SOMETHING | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Perform 30 vertical stealth takedowns | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o These are the drops or jumps when in stealth, if you are trying this in a combat encounter make sure to check the statistics page to see if it is counting them properly, if it isn't then use Restart Checkpoint rather than Restart Encounter. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | RUN-AND-GUNNER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 50 enemies from-the-hip or blind-firing | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Shooting without aiming either by sitting behind cover and pulling the trigger or just running around shooting. Easy to do with weapons like the shotguns. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEAPFROG | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating gunplay and hand-to-hand | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o First you've got to find a place that has enough enemies around to try this then as it says start with guns and alternate between melee and shooting. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | UNSTOPPABLE! | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying in combat | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Restarting a checkpoint counts as not dying so find somewhere with a load of enemies, almost kill them all then restart the checkpoint to carry on. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | SHARPSHOOTER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete game with 70% or higher shot accuracy | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o I'd recommend using the auto-aim function if you're going to try this one. Keep a close eye on your accuracy statistic and shoot very conservatively making sure to only shoot if you're confident you're going to hit the enemy. A lower difficulty setting will let you aim for longer before the enemies tear you apart for poking your head out of cover. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | RUSHING ROULETTE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in | | 15 seconds | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Scout out a set of three enemies to do this with and it should be pretty straightforward. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | GHOST IN THE CEMETERY | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being | | seen | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The more forgiving enemy sight mechanics of the lower difficulty settings will of course make this easier to accomplish. You need to get up to the door that the enemies come in through after you exit the crypt in the graveyard, to do so you can shimmy along the outer edge and then sneak up the right side - just be careful of enemies spotting you as you try to open the door. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | BUTTERFINGERS | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make 10 enemies drop their grenades | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Tough to do on purpose without using the slow motion bonus modifications, if you do use them then there are a few places, like the start of the Market Escape encounter in Chapter 11, that fairly consistently throw a grenade at you (up the difficulty if they aren't), if you're in slow motion and bullet time shoot a thrower in the chest to stagger him without killing him so that he drops the grenade and kills himself with it, then restart the checkpoint and repeat. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | BOOM COUNTY | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 4 enemies with the same explosion (all explosive items and weapons | | apply) | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There aren't many points through the game that you'll find this many enemies close enough together to get it. I got it with a rocket launcher in Chapter 10 when a group of Shoreline approached the drawbridge in a truck - this doesn't really work from the combat encounter as they're already out of the truck when you start. Another place that seems like a good option is in Chapter 20's combat encounter where you swim onto a beach full of enemies. When the truck moves to its second position a group of four drop down all clustered together but the timing of the cluster can sometimes be off. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | DEFEAT 10 IN 60 -- CHINA LAKE GL | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There isn't really enough ammo to do this one without using the infinite ammo bonus. Find yourself a large combat encounter and just kill all the enemies you can see, eventually you'll get 10 within the time limit (which is quite generous). o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | HANG TOUGH! | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Destroy 10 vehicles while being dragged from the rope | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o During the convoy when you're being dragged simply stay on the rope and just shoot the cars and motorbikes as they appear, a lower difficulty setting will mean you can actually survive hanging on there. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | RUN THE TABLE | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and | | explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Choose a combat encounter that starts in stealth and make sure to have grenade. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | HITTING A BRICK WALL | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 5 armored enemies with melee only | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o On lower difficulties you can punch armoured enemies so that their helmets fall off but even on higher difficulties you can get this with stealth melee attacks. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | PEACEFUL RESOLUTION (Secret) | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o That is all the way through Chapter 13 and 14 without killing anyone in the combat sections, not even stealth. It seems Sam's kills don't count towards it so rushing through on a low difficulty is an option but stealth on a low difficulty is going to make it dead easy. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | WINGMAN | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Perform 10 combo buddy takedowns | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Do this one in the Laundry Fight encounter of Chapter 2, simply attack the same people that Sam is attacking. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLIFFHANGER | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pull 20 enemies over when hanging from a ledge | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Plenty of opportunity to do this throughout the game. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | LUDONARRATIVE DISSONANCE (Secret) | GOLD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Defeat 1000 enemies | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Kill kill kill. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You first have to get the apple, to do that you talk to a woman in the market right before you get to the lemur. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | I ACCIDENTALLY ALL THE GUNS (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Use every weapon in the game | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o All of the weapons in the bonus menu as well as a grenade, some dynamite, the DShK minigun, a turret, a small red barrel (pick up, throw and shoot in the air), a large red barrel (just shoot), a propane tank (pick up, throw and shoot in the air), the toy gun and the sword in the duel. You don't even need to actually kill with the weapon just shoot/detonate it. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | NOT A CAIRN IN THE WORLD (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are 16 of these throughout Chapter 10, you can check how many you've done at the bottom of the statistics page but it doesn't give you any more detail than that. You can find them by following the Walkthrough or just quickly using the locations as follows: 1. Directly in front of you when you start the chapter. 2. Directly ahead when you reach the first river area. 3. Near the end of that river, beyond the bridge. 4. At the start of the rickety bridge. 5. At the other end of the rickety bridge. 6. After crossing the river above the waterfall. 7. After driving up a rock over a river, just before a narrow turn. 8. Next to the first ruins you find after the first tower. 9. Across from the cave you jump over a rock to get into. 10. Near some ruins after the first combat area. 11. Directly in front of you when you see the Shoreline trucks. 12. Near some high up ruins on the left side of the Shoreline truck area. 13. On a rock in the area in front of the manmade/natural tunnel. 14. In the grass just before you drive down a ledge to reach the signal tower. 15. On a rock opposite the signal tower. 16. On a narrow bend without a guard rail after the drawbridge. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | I CAN SEE MY HOUSE FROM HERE! (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Climb to the very top of the Clocktower in the City | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Before ringing the big bell at the top of the clocktower keep climbing up the tower. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Solve the first Trial in Scotland in 10 moves or less | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o If you number the wheels starting from the left end you turn in this order: * 2nd wheel turn left once. * 3rd wheel turn left twice. * 2nd wheel turn left twice. * 3rd wheel turn right once. That's it solved in six. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | BEST SCORE! (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Beat the best score in the retro videogame | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You can only manage this in the Epilogue so don't struggle trying to beat it in Chapter 4. It is vital that you get the extra life and do not die, otherwise you just can't get enough points. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | GIFT OF GAB (Secret) | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Listen to all optional conversations in game | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are 36 of these, they are when you see a Triangle prompt above somebody's head. You get them at specific points so check out the Optional Conversations section for details on where to find each one. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | MARCO POLO RETURNS! (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Play in the ocean near the sunken ship | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o In Chapter 12 swim around the near the shipwreck off the shore of the larger island. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | STAGE FRIGHT (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Just prior to City Chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds (stage demo | | fail) | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o As you exit the clocktower watch the cutscene and then leave your controller alone until the trophy pops. Can't do it in using the combat encounter. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | JUST FLOOR IT! (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Sneak around the outer edge to get all the way around the area before climbing up to the jeep. You'll want to be on a lower difficulty not just to avoid getting spotted on the way but to avoid getting killed as you drive away along the river. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | ON PORPOISE (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Get three dolphins to follow the boat | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Drive the boat around the sea in an arc opposite where you enter the hidden cave that the arrows point to, all three are around there out into the sea. They're quite difficult to spot but if you sit still out there you can eventually see them jumping out of the water. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | STILL GOT IT! (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o At the back of the attic at the start of Chapter 4 is a toy gun in a holster, pick it up and shoot the four targets. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | GLAMOUR SHOT (Secret) | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Take a photo of Sully | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o During the section of Chapter 11 where you're taking photos of the sigil squares, instead aim your camera at Sully and take a few snaps. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | SWORDMASTER (Secret) | SILVER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Easier to do on lower difficulties thanks to a slower and more obvious swing. If you do get hit you can just restart the last checkpoint and you shouldn't be too far back in the fight. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | CONTINUE THE ADVENTURE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete the Uncharted Multiplayer Introduction | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you first start the multiplayer you get a training match with bots. Follow the instructions to be taught the basics. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | GET IN THE GAME | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete 5 matches in Multiplayer | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o These have to be against actual players, the Warm Up games count. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRIALS BY FIRE | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Complete all trials on Moderate (difficulty) in Multiplayer | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After completing the introduction you can play some extra training matches against bots that teach you how to use the gear, sidekicks and mysticals. You just need to complete all 14 on the lowest difficulty setting, you can completely ignore the Hard and Crushing difficulties. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | FRIENDS FOREVER! | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spawn 10 Sidekicks in Multiplayer | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Purchase during a match with real players, doesn't have to be all in one game. o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | MEDIC! | BRONZE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Revive 10 Allies in Multiplayer | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Done during a match with real players, doesn't have to be all in one game. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[080000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~CONTACT~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[080000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Please contact me at the following email address regarding the game. Please make sure to state the name of the game in your email as I have posted guides to quite a few different games. dark52 (at) darkspyro (dot) net And I cannot help with any multiplayer issues or tactics as I have only played enough of it to complete the trophies. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[090000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-COPYRIGHT~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[090000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Copyright 2016-2017 dark52 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'